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File 171393897216.png - (208.16KB , 329x327 , hundredkingdomsthousandmiles.png )
1089578 No. 1089578 ID: 521475

Despite some of you being complete strangers, you've all been seated together at a restaurant in Nexus, due to the law against dining alone after sundown. Some guy tried to sell you a memory crystal containing a treasure map.
A pretty lady at another table (who turned out to be dragon-blooded) bought him a drink (which turned out to contain yozi venom) and then, while he was dying, grabbed the crystal and ran off. Might want to be out of town before her employer realizes that one of you actually managed to boot it up first, and got a pretty good look at the map.
Site's over a thousand miles away, but most of that would be river travel, and there's an underground manse, so it should be easy enough to zero in on with geomantic surveying tools even if the map, or your memory or navigational skills, end up a few miles off-target.
If somebody's willing to pay for yozi venom (which is not cheap!) to cover it up, gotta be something seriously valuable out there.

Destination is ~800 mi southeast of Nexus as the crow flies, and half that far north-northeast of the ruins of Denandsor, right in the middle of rocky uplands between the headwaters of the Rolling River and a minor tributary of the Grey River.
So, you could take a more direct route up the Grey, but then face a longer trek overland,
or start by going up the Yellow past Great Forks and then turn south along the Rolling.
Or try something more complicated, to take advantage of esoteric travel options and/or throw off potential pursuit.

Houserule hub: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VAUEYEqWYWcQ9gz4bk9uok8OkAIYl1cy50KEw2y75o
65 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1089899 ID: 4f80d6

rolled 2, 3, 10, 2 = 17

Int+Lore check to discern Cold's knowledge of the area
No. 1089916 ID: 094811

From that knowledge, still bringing food and water for a few days, maybe a couple lanterns or torches to burn away the vines and scare the insects away. And I’ll also bring some stuff to help with the diseases. Antitoxins and such, so our medic has some extra supplies.
No. 1089965 ID: 2175dd

Cold clears his throat to advise he is ready to speak

"So, as time moves inexorably forwards, are we decided on how we are to continue? I see that we will be bringing a somewhat considerable amount of associates, so are we to obtain a small fleet of 3 or so rivercraft? I am able to carry a core group as an advance patrol, so the boats can catch up later, giving us a chance to scout put the path ahead a few days or even weeks in advance."
No. 1089972 ID: 5b58e7

Kisara returned quite quickly, sitting back down in her chair again.
“Message is sent. And I would agree. We scout ahead, the troops catch up on boats.”
No. 1090014 ID: 0b12aa

Woe waves her hand, absently.

"Leave the nobodies to catch up on their own. The actually useful people run ahead and get everything ready."
No. 1090032 ID: 7ce054
File 171445067822.png - (1.91MB , 816x1456 , a4bef83dcabfc0561265bf36190ba96d.png )

A blonde woman draped in a heavy cloak steps away from an adjacent table and approaches the small group where the man had been poisoned. "Please excuse me. I have been listening from nearby. If you would have one more, I would like to be there when this thief makes her move again."
No. 1090033 ID: 4f80d6

The young exalt turns to see the armoured blonde offer her support[i/]

"The more the merrier. I am called Cold Blooded in the Blaze of the Sun, I would best describe myself in interpretative dance, but in linguistically stated terms, my skill set is as a dabbler of things of an esoteric nature & procurer of lost things. How would you best describe your best interests?"

[i]Whilst speaking in Riverspeak, the tongue of this region of the Eastern Scavenger lands, his speech is heavily accented with High Realm intonations.

No. 1090038 ID: 521475

Teamwork bonus adds an extra die to the primary actor.
>rolled [...] 9
In addition to confirming some of what the others recalled, stony young man has heard there was a ruin of the prehuman Dragon Kings in that area. Supposedly already cleared out and repurposed during the Shogunate, but it is said they have long memories. Might be one of the "beastfolk" factions.
No. 1090040 ID: 7ce054

"It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Caitlyn, and I aspire to be advocate of peace. Well, I should get to gathering what supplies that I can. I have donated all of my money to charity since arriving in Nexus" She said a bit sheepishly. For someone who claimed to committed to peace, Caitlyn was heavily armed and prepared for war.
No. 1090045 ID: fbc9ce

"'Aspire to be an advocate for peace,'" Woe chuckles, listening in. "So in other words, you wanna be peaceful one day, but not anytime soon, eh?"
No. 1090061 ID: fbc9ce

Woe will brush off her clothes, and walk out of the restaurant.

"I'll be back later," she says, vaguely bored, and waves a hand without looking back. "I got somewhere to be before we go."

I'm going to call upon my Spies background in Nexus. My patron Yozi, Adorjan, should have a "spy network" active in this area, and I'd like to ask them if they know anything about the DB woman who ran off, about the map, anything the would-be seller told us, or where the DB might have gotten that poison from.
No. 1090063 ID: fbc9ce

rolled 6, 2, 8, 10, 1, 7, 4, 9, 2 = 49

Here's a roll to see the quality of spy or luck with spies I have in utilizing my contact. Assuming this is Perception + Socialize, but I can reroll if either is deemed inappropriate. I will apply 3m of Adorjan Excellency to my contacting the spy network by keeping in mind that, to Woe, the purpose of this expedition will involve *scouring* the area of the treasure others seek, and to *lay low the proud* Dragon-bloods who control the world.
No. 1090065 ID: 521475

Local spy-network contacts say subtle alchemical taggants in the yozi venom residue on Mr. Fleegman's cup indicate that it was purchased through the Cult of the Syrinx Prophet Executioner, an Adorjani Reclamation front organization operating in the Northeast, up near Bloody River or Ardeleth. They've got their own plans in progress for dealing with the main force of the Forest Witches, and would prefer that you not interfere at this time. Any operation south of the Yellow River should be fine, though.
Based on your description, the actual assassin was Sesus Rafara. Seems to be in the area on some other business, working with the Forest Witches on a short-term mercenary basis in exchange for other clandestine considerations to the benefit of the Vermillion Legion.
No. 1090068 ID: 7ce054

"In a way. I am simply willing to fight so that others might know the peace that was stolen from me. This world only understands force, so that is the language I will chastise it with."
No. 1090069 ID: 7ce054

character sheet
No. 1090074 ID: ee10ae

"I'll use some of my ships to bring anyone who wants to come." Thousand Maws generously offers - she is framing herself as the patron of this little expedition; she was the first one to step up to the plate, to organize an attempt to start finding it first. Such a position requires providing aid, after all.

But most importantly, she *wants* it. She doesn't know what it is, but since somebody else wants it, *she wants it too*. It's an *impulse*, an *instinct*, a *hunger*. Spending some of her considerable resources to grease the wheels of this meal is hardly a problem to her.

Maws herself is already gathering a group of about twenty, a mix of her personal slaves and those who work under her who she thinks might be useful here, whether to carry things or because of a general familiarity with the area. Those attendants are, via her instructions she'd left earlier, to be divided in half as 'beasts of burden', across ten servants she has four high-quality sets of mountaineering gear so that her group can go in two pairs of two if climbing in the craggy highlands is needed, two slots of rations per porter, including more expensive meals that can be eaten on the go for herself, tents, changes of clothes sleeping bags for each member of the group, lanterns, a way to light them without resorting to magic, axes for firewood, some knives and cooking utensils like pans, and shovels. With them, there will be enough larger tents for them to sleep comfortably, including Maws' personal tent, and then a further, larger tent for meetings and collapsible furniture for that and her personal tent. They - and anyone else who wants to - will be transported downriver by one of Thousand Maws' personal ships that she uses for trade in the area.
No. 1090075 ID: 7ce054

Caitlyn turns to the woman offering portage "That is very generous of you, and I am pleased to accept. It would be my pleasure to take some of the burden from your servants as I can stow a large load within my cloak - I even keep a small camp fire stored in it." Caitlyn stated with deranged honesty, unconcerned about how odd her words sounded.
No. 1090076 ID: fbc9ce

I will ask the spies if they know Sesus Rafara's whereabouts, like what inn she might've been staying at, or anything about her in general.
No. 1090082 ID: fbc9ce

rolled 3, 3, 2, 4, 5 = 17

Whether or not the spies know anything about her, I'll also go out into the town to gather information about whatever might be known about her, either publicly or as rumors, etc. Particularly looking for where she might've been staying.

[Appearance + Investigation]
No. 1090108 ID: 965bce

rolled 5, 2, 5, 8, 10, 9, 2, 5, 5, 3, 6, 9, 4, 8, 10, 9, 2, 6, 8, 3 = 119

>Also, you spent 25 motes in the process. How much of that was peripheral?
16 personal, 9 peripheral, so anima banner is at the torch level of illumination.

Her patient stabilized, the woman once too-rushed to introduce herself finally turns her attention to the others around the crowded table. She bears no visible armaments nor wonders wrought of the magical materials, but the golden icon blazing on her brow, and the still-breathing victim of Yozi venom leave little doubt as to what she is.

"Spinel Caryatid, healer and Twilight Caste... as is regrettably obvious at this point." She spares an annoyed glance in the aptly-named Burning Champion's direction—how is it the aspiring bandit was shining brighter for having accomplished less? "I would be interested to see what wonders were worth attempted concealment by such an exorbitant poison, but I think we may need to relocate soon."

>"Not bad, lady! You actually saved someone from demon poison."
"It's what I do."

Spinel is going to encourage Mr. Fleegman to come with us: if someone was that determined to silence him, they're likely going to try again, no point leaving him behind to be robbed and murdered right after saving his life.
No. 1090127 ID: d060ab

Cold Blooded nods appreciatively to Spinel and their healing prowess.

"Welcome, and thank you for the curing of this man."

He turns to the others gathered around

"I intend to leave at dawns first light tomorrow morning. If you are able to join me, gather your supplies & meet at the waterside pavilion on the outskirts of town. Please note that I will be taking neither hordes of minions nor caravans of supplies with me, so pack lightly & make other arrangements if more cargo is required."

He then waves one of the serving staff over & orders another pitcher of wine & a platter of dried fruits, paying with local coinage of silver to cover his days refreshments.
it is obvious he has no pmans to be leaving withon the next half hour or so
No. 1090145 ID: fbc9ce

Assuming Woe's attempts at gathering more information fail, she'll return to the bar and kick in the door. Whomever is still there, she'll flex at and smile.

"Yo, losers and losettes! Using some of my amazing intelligence and daring-do, I was able to learn that the Deeb assassin lady who ran off was named Sesus Rafara, and she's been working with the Forest Witches. So, whoever knows about how to track people using their names or whatever, I leave that to you."

"Yeah, yeah, Fancypants, I'll be there. Though, you're gonna have competition for 'leader,' I'm afraid."

That said, she'll disappear for now, back into the city to prepare herself for the journey the next day.
No. 1090169 ID: cfc7cc

Original waitress is cowering somewhere. Several other customers have fled, overturning at least one table in the process. Grizzled bartender approaches with the dried fruit in a to-go bag (and an axe slung on his back), politely but firmly asking you all to pay your tabs and get out. Nothing personal, see, it's just that some of this place's regulars are Dynasts or Lookshyans, and they tend to tip generously. Got a reputation to think of.
No. 1090172 ID: 7ce054

"Sesus Rafara. Isnt that a realm name? Can we find out if this Sesus is working alone or under orders before we leave? I can go fetch some realm soldiers from their estates to question." Caitlyn offered in Riverspeak, completely serious in her intentions. "If we are going to do that then we better head out now - it could take a while to clean up."
No. 1090175 ID: 638be3

rolled 3, 5, 1, 1 = 10

"Naturally my good Barkeep, completely understandable. I apologise for my..." Cold Blooded gestures with his hand towards those on his vicinity"associates indiscretion."

He graciously accepts the offered bottle & bundle of dried fruits, collects his things & heads towards the front door, pondering what the name Sesus is associated with.
(Rolling Lore + Int to see what Cold knows about the Dynast families relevant to this Sesus character)

moves towards the front door, pondering the origin of the name Sesus[
No. 1090177 ID: cfc7cc

>rolled 3, 5, 1
You think House Sesus is primarily fire-aspected, and militarily weak, especially after their recent crushing defeat up north at the Battle of Futile Blood, but traditionally more than makes up for it with various forms of soft power. Their main allies within the Scarlet Dynasty are Tepet (Air-aspected, mostly a bunch of nerds but occasionally stack up enough esoteric tricks to produce a terrifying powerhouse like that Windtamer guy) and Nellens (Water-aspected, obnoxiously hardcore immaculate believers with a stranglehold on commercial sea traffic). Unless... maybe you've got those mixed up somehow?
>rolled 1
No, you're pretty sure that's right.
No. 1090286 ID: 4f80d6

Cold looks to Caitlin with a shake of his head, speaking confidently

"Don't worry about House Sesus, they are militarily weak & beneath our concern, particularly after their display at the battle of Futile Blood. No, I am sure they will be preoccupied with keeping out of our way & beneath our notice."
No. 1090293 ID: 7ce054
File 171484544873.png - (1.91MB , 816x1456 , a4bef83dcabfc0561265bf36190ba96d.png )

She laid her hand on the pommel of her sword for just a moment, contemplating his words. "Well it "It would be nice to learn of their intentions before leaving, but breaking the peace would be unfortunate." Caitlyn then relaxed to a neutral position "Lets go store up on hot fresh meals and cold drinks. They will be refreshing out in the field wherever we are going."
No. 1090307 ID: 094811

“Agreed…let’s get out of here.”

Kisara got up, placed her money on the table in front of the bartender, and headed outside.
No. 1090339 ID: 7ce054

"It may be difficult to find supplies in bulk at this hour, but we could buy lots of street food. Ramen, soups, pot stickers, pork buns. There are lots of great food that we can store and keep hot in elsewhere and this will let us get a variety of meals so we wont get bored. Naturally we will want some jugs of beer, sake, and clean water. I never did find one of the Everclean Necklaces, so I better buy some soap. Maybe some rope and tackle? Anything else?"
No. 1090364 ID: 45d138

The old man gave cold blooded a nod before leaving the restaurant.

"We will meet when this group departs, for now I still have some business to attend to."

After leaving the infernal would send her henchman to acquire two weeks worth of food and supplies for the both of them and thaumaturgical supplies for her rituals.

The Infernal herself would retire to her own acommodations rented during her stay in Nexus to summon a demonic bodyguard in preparation for struggles to come.

(Going for summoning a Sesselja with knowledge of the victorious concession style as discussed previously - spending 20m, 10 base, 10 to lower it's resistance pool by two @strange.)
No. 1090398 ID: 965bce

rolled 6, 10, 6, 9, 3, 5, 2, 10, 8, 9, 2, 10, 7, 1, 6, 6, 4, 9, 10, 6 = 129

At the meeting in the bar, Spinel is carrying her Physician’s Kit, a limited selection of tools, and writing supplies, all of which fits in a single pack. She's not currently carrying rations, because she wasn't planning on needing to leave Nexus in a hurry. Her current level of illumination seems like it would make shopping unwise, however. She's going to trust on other members of the expedition to see to provisioning, and focus instead on getting out-of-sight.

>politely but firmly asking you all to pay your tabs and get out.
The Twilight Caste does so, escorting her still somewhat loopy patient.

"Travel by sorcery and by ship were both mentioned. Are we headed for the docks, or to the nearest open place we can assemble? ...or someplace to lay low while those who can secure out exit?"
No. 1090409 ID: fbc9ce

rolled 2, 10, 4, 4, 5, 2 = 27

Someone suggested this in the Discord, so I'll try it.


Woe, who has the power to not flare her anima banner thanks to her caste, will disappear into the shadows near the bar, and wait. She's going to follow the anima-flaring people at a distance, watching out for anyone ELSE who is following, both in terms of the people who might be associated with the assassin, and anyone else who might hate Anathema.

(Don't know if you'd want a Stealth or Awareness roll; I can only do one at a time, so here's a Perception + Awareness check. I can do an additional Stealth check if you'd like)
No. 1090425 ID: cfc7cc

> I can only do one at a time
When there are multiple rolled actions you want to specify with a single post, just roll 50+ dice and I'll figure out which ones go to which dice pool. Erring on the side of too many dice also saves hassle if there are bonuses you overlooked, such as stunts, or the +1 circumstantial bonus die to Perception + Awareness for being fully focused on guard duty.
Figuring out exact dice pools before rolling is more important on discord, because the dice bot there sorts the results from lowest to highest rather than reporting them in the order they were rolled.
No. 1090443 ID: 37a599

rolled 5, 9, 3, 7, 8, 10, 9, 10, 7, 6, 10, 6, 8, 3 = 101

Oh okay, here's an additional [Stealth + Manipulation] roll. I'll just throw 5 extra dice into it in case you decide something I don't expect, but I expect 9 dice here from the ability and attribute.
No. 1090561 ID: 094811

“I may have a suggestion on where to meet. My people are stationed in barracks out on the edge of nexus. It would save moving a bunch of troops if we meet there, and it’ll be good in case we need any last minute prep. Any objections?”
No. 1090565 ID: 4f80d6

"That sounds perfect, Kisara, I will collect my trunks and meet you there, after a bit of last minute supply gatgering, naturally."

He helps gather things, & looks to the glowing Twilight

"Wish to join me?"
No. 1090567 ID: 5c2a32

“Well, meet you there, Cold! Everyone, meet me on the west edge of Nexus, where the city meets the plains. The barracks aren’t hard to find. Anyone who wants to head there right now, follow me!”

And thus, off skipped Kisara, her tail flowing behind her like a silver river.
No. 1090569 ID: cfc7cc

Fleegman attempts to follow Woe, under the mistaken impression she still cares, then gets very confused when she seemingly vanishes behind a lamppost less than two yards away from him. He's hoping to pick up a few things from his apartment before leaving the city, but, given the recent assassination attempt, would prefer not to go anywhere without a supernaturally competent bodyguard.

Follow-up report from Seeker of Wind and Woe's spy network. About an hour after the excitement started, and twenty minutes after you got kicked out of the restaurant, Sesus Rafara contacted a Lookshyan dragonblood (who is widely known, in certain circles, to have chronic trouble with gambling debts) to send a message via Wind-Carried Words Technique. Recipient unconfirmed, but easy to guess. Message contents as follows:
"Mission success,"
then four nonsense words presumably from some prearranged codebook, and finally
"If he's not dead after drinking that, you aren't paying me enough to go back and find out why."
No. 1090575 ID: 4f80d6

Seeing Fleegman's concerns, Cold approaches him

"Welcome Mister Fleegman, would you mind if I accompany you? I would find it bothe useful & enjoyable to travel Nexus with a local, but I would like to return to recover my items at some point in our wandering, before we all rendezvous with the others"
No. 1090607 ID: 7ce054

"I think it would be best if I join you there, I dont think Nexus and I see eye to eye on everything and you know how my temper can run."
No. 1090611 ID: 44407b

"You are always welcome! Let us enjoy what the day brings together, perhaps we may find a chilled wine we all agree upon?"
No. 1090617 ID: 44407b

rolled 1, 1, 6, 6, 7, 3, 3 + 3 = 30

(Wits+Socialize+3dice for stunts to Navigate Nexus to escort Fleegman, complete basic resupply of stock & collect Cold' equipment)
No. 1090632 ID: e5fb2d

rolled 9, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 2, 8, 9, 9, 3, 5, 1, 9, 5, 6, 10, 7, 4 = 105

And amid all this, Fate's strings tugged. One of the Earth's chosen lingered in earshot on a whim, lingered around one of his fellows, and heard Sesus Rafara's words to the man he was just speaking to. And perhaps Fate's strings tugged on him again when he took interest as well. He's the kind of man to investigate things of that nature, certainly, but he's also fickle. I, at least, would say that chance played a significant factor.

The man himself was one Cynis Taitapet. Menace of many a House Cynis gambling night, he's a profoundly average looking young man. A slight splash of neoteny shaken in, him looking a touch younger than the age most Exalts "lock in" at, his foot appearing to have not quite crossed over the line separating adolesence from what's beyond quite yet. In reality he's been a man for over 5 years now, but his minor baby face and slightly off proportions are as if he's frozen in time. Trapped in that specific moment...

Taitapet inquired around after his chance overhearing of Sesus Rafara's relay. About poison, about assassinations and, without any evidence for their involvement, about Anathema (his bias on the topic, you see). Ordinarily his skills would need to come to bear in this, and perhaps they still will, but...

An anathema and something possibly much worse screamed down the street today. A child could uncover that.

And so Taitapet soon finds himself at the barracks of the hundred-odd folk loyal to Kisara Moonfire. That's the anathema that had screamed down the street if you're keeping track. Coincidentally, he was in the exact place that the motley treasure hunting crew had agreed to meet. Fate's strings again?

Rolling an excessive quantity of dice to determine the efficacy of Taitapet's initial investigation, ST discretion for the Stunt and Destiny values. Due to the obviousness of the main piece of evidence I petition that he should get there even with 0 successes, but he might be under the impression the whole party are the assassins in such a scenario?

Base dicepool of Wits + Investigation + First Excel 4 (2m) = 11.
No. 1090633 ID: e5fb2d

No. 1090654 ID: 7ce054

There are some with the philosophy that charity is the greatest display of power and wealth. The woman who approached him had a bearing of peaceful confidence which might reflect such an outlook. "Excuse me, I do not believe we have met before, is there something I can help you with?"
No. 1090655 ID: fbc9ce

Woe will nod to and leave the informants without more than that. Beyond that, she's on the lookout for anyone following her new "friends."
No. 1090656 ID: e5fb2d

Taitapet responds in perfectly passable Riverspeak, though with a noticeable high-class twang to the way he says some words. And the less said of his speaking style the better. "It would certainly be a turn if we had so no, I don't think I know you." Taitapet touches his chest with three fingers. "My name is Cynis Taitapet, though my family and I aren't on the best of speaking terms."

He seems like a pleasant enough soul, but his eyes have a certain character to them. It isn't immediately apparent what that is, but it complicates his otherwise personable image. "I was hoping to speak with the woman in charge of the forces here? I heard some very strange rumors..."
No. 1090667 ID: 094811

And skipping nearby, came Kisara.
“Then meet her you shall. Kisara Moonfire. Nice to meet you.”
She held out her hand to Cynis, offering a handshake.
No. 1090675 ID: e5fb2d

Taitapet takes her hand and shakes it, firmly but friendly. "I heard about you and... I assume that was some manner of ally, though maybe one of circumstance? You certainly did make a racket." He's referring to Kisara and the Champion chasing down the assassin it seems.

Will poke ST elsewhere to try to get a confirm on what Taitapet knows and doesn't know, as it'll be hard to say anything else as him without knowing if he knows about the map.
No. 1090676 ID: cfc7cc

Fleegman initially assumes Cynis Taltapet is here to kill him, and blurts out enough in resultant panic that it's adequately clear what's happening, at least to such a master investigator.
No. 1090677 ID: e5fb2d

Taitapet takes note of what Fleegman is saying and chooses his next words carefully. They're not directed toward Fleegman of course, but rather the others. "Would you mind if I joined in on your treasure hunt? A scion of the realm might be helpful if the journey leads us back to civilization at some stage, and I'm quite good with my hands." Iselsi Makö (or Cold Blooded as he is known to the group) isn't exactly identifiable on sight, so the Dragon-Blooded's argument is a touch flawed, they already have a scion of the Realm, but still mostly works. "There's little love between myself and the Dynasty, but I have yet to even approach being disowned, so I believe there are scenarios, admittedly unlikely ones granted, but scenarios where I could be an invaluable aid." The next natural question would be to ask what he hopes to gain, if he seeks a cut of the treasure or what have you, but that can be skipped past if that isn't too much of a concern.
No. 1090678 ID: 7bff7f

“…..I wouldn’t mind it, myself. The more the merrier. But what do you get out of this, if you don’t mind me asking?”
She smiled slightly at Cynis, crossing her arms and staring him down inquisitively.
No. 1090679 ID: cfc7cc

cold blooded in the blaze of the sun is carrying
-hundred pounds of mostly random trinkets and rocks, practical utility dubious
-[empty slot]
-[empty slot]

cargo (~600lb each):
10x foxmen tent w/ two sets of group basics - shelter and food-prep for 14 people each
1x adept-level geomantic survey kit + basic carpentry tools + 20lb reagents, glue, nails, etc + 20x shovels + 10x mattocks
1x barrel w/ 64 gallons of water

1x cold's pavilion tent w/ accessories including fifty yards of spare rope and a sledgehammer
1x cold's fine-quality field kitchen, plus food, water, and fuel for no more than a week
1x cold's wardrobe, office supplies, camp furniture including chairs, table, cot, and bathtub

kisara moonfire is carrying
- food for a week (two if eaten while in fox form)
- set of lenses

>strange7person — 04/28/2024 5:59 PM
>For the "spyglass or binoculars or something," how about saying you've got a padded case full of an assortment of lenses, worth resources 2 and qualifying as a suitable exotic ingredient for construction of a 1- or maybe 2-dot vision-related artifact? Can't alter the lenses themselves with your shapeshifting, beyond storing them Elsewhere when in forms which couldn't easily carry them (you're pretty sure they're made of something other than ordinary glass, though maybe not certain exactly what), but Changing Plumage Mastery can rearrange the carrying-case as if it were clothing, yielding monocle or eyeglasses frames, telescopes, microscopes, etc. with appropriate lenses neatly slotted in place, and the unused ones still tucked away safe.

100x foxmen wear chain hauberk, personally carry
- axe and bundle of javelins,
- a week's fermented pemmican (not safe for humans),
- and a wheelbarrow each
note that they run faster (wolf's pace), but have worse night vision (baseline human), than northern wolfmen
mobility penalty is -2 from armor, no extra from encumbrance

Ten Thousand Maws is carrying
- sleeping bag, concealing scroll case with important papers and a knife

10x porters (strength 3, stamina 4, athletics 4) are carrying
- food for a week (or three weeks for the scrawnier servants)
- another unit of food
- spare clothes (for self, plus part of Maws' wardrobe) and a sleeping bag
- five-gallon barrel rigged as a backpack plus hands-free siphon (takes up a second slot while more than 3/4 full)
- each carries a further 50lb bundle: [20 yds rope + 10x climbing gear], [10x swamp shoes], [25x lantern], [keg of oil], 2x [16x 6' pole], 4x [half a 20-man tent]
and suffer a -1 mobility penalty with full load of water, but that won't last long

4x servants (strength 2, stamina 2, athletics 1) are carrying
- spare clothes and a sleeping bag
- office supplies and initiate-level ward construction/maintenance kits

Seeker of Wind and Woe is carrying
- fine-quality mountaineering/burglary gear, helmet-mounted lantern, and bedroll
- food for a week
- food for another week
- five-gallon barrel rigged as a backpack, plus a one-gallon wineskin and hands-free siphon
- three gallons of water in the above - might last one person four days in a hot climate
- three more gallons of water
and, with only Athletics 4, suffering a -1 mobility penalty

Spinel Caryatid is carrying
- elaborate medkit, counts as exceptional for first aid, basic for surgery
- hyperion key, for ergonomic adjustments to discreet essence armor, in a padded case
- initiate-level portable alchemy kit
- copious quantity of alchemical reagents, disinfectants, supplies for lesser wards vs. insects
and with Athletics 0, suffering a -3 mobility penalty

the burning champion is carrying

Caitlyn is carrying nothing but her artifacts conventionally
in the Infinite Resplendence Amulet's starmetal Elsewhere pockets:
- 150 man-days of assorted highly perishable fresh food (raw fish, farm-fresh eggs, etc.) and pre-cooked snacks
- quarter-mile-long steel cable w/ cargo hook, pulleys, and mounting brackets rated for tens of tons
- 200 bottles of beer
- block of soap the size and shape of a blacksmith's anvil, which some third-rate sorcerer seemed eager to get rid of

ashen mercy is wearing an exceptional chain shirt and carrying
- 7x concealed knives

henchman kronk is wearing lamellar and carrying
- food for a week
- exceptional hammer w/ integral walkaway charm
- exceptional short spear
- true jade talent engraved with a summoning circle + 50lb bondage gear, counts as exceptional tools for calling up 1CDs
mobility penalty is -2 from armor, no extra from encumbrance
No. 1090680 ID: e5fb2d

Taitapet answers quickly and curtly. "I wish to travel with Anathema. See what manner of people you are. I have personal circumstances (that I won't bore you with) that make the journey reward enough." He doesn't seem to be lying...
No. 1090681 ID: 7ce054

"Do you believe that Anathema are indeed evil beings, and if so then why would we want to welcome an individual seeking such company?" Caitlyn asked as she stepped closer to comfort Fleegman and offer him a sense of safety "Need I remind you that it was a Dynast who poisoned this man, not Anathema?" The woman wasn't being aggressive towards Taitapet, but she was looking for something more substantial than a casual 'trust me'. "This man is the one who was harmed and has the most at risk, so if you can convince him of your good intentions then you have my approval as well."
No. 1090682 ID: e5fb2d

Taitapet frowns for moment, contemplating what exactly the woman in armor half-accosting him wants him to say, and then speaks. "Someone very important to me appeared before me, now an Anathema, and told me... she said various things about the world, its history and the nature of Anathema before departing. I journey to learn of the veracity, one way or the other, of her words." He smiles. "So an alliance should be mutually beneficial I think."

Taitapet doesn't speak of his deeper feelings toward the Realm, his overall goals or even what kind of Exalt the woman he mentioned was. He spoke the minimum needed to answer Caitlyn and seem open about his past, cards still close to his chest. He maintained a smile and sincere eyes though, and wasn't even holding back too much so it's likely only a very astute listener would detect it but... it is detectable. Sincere, but not giving the full picture.
No. 1090683 ID: 7ce054

"If you wish to observe the nature of Anathema then you are welcome to keep my company, though I would caution you to refrain from that general term and simply use the term of chosen. There are those in our number who take offense to the Anathema moniker and I cannot ensure your safety from the eldest of those who stride across Creation."
No. 1090684 ID: e5fb2d

Taitapet bows a little at that, just showing respect. "Very well, I can go along with that."

"The advice is appreciated, Chosen..." He pauses. "Chosen certainly, but Chosen by anything specific?"
No. 1090685 ID: 7ce054

Caitlyn spoke with deep conviction and pride, completely bereft of misdirection. By realm standards, she might come across as simplistic and unrefined, but her confidence was allowed to shine through. "I am a priestess of Venus and champion of her cause. It is my calling to deliver her message of peace and joy to those who only understand violence."
No. 1090713 ID: 965bce

rolled 7, 8, 6, 10, 6, 4, 4, 10, 3, 3, 5, 8, 1, 7, 10, 9, 5, 2, 5, 7, 1, 6, 3, 6, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4, 9 = 155

For the moment, Spinel is hanging back with Kisara's followers, hood up to conceal her lack of bestial traits, and allowing the other Exalted to confront the newly arrived dynast—either. Her anima banner has finally receded to the point where blending into a crowed is possible, and as either a physician or ranged combatant, her place is not on the front lines. (Dexterity 5 + Stealth 1)

>He doesn't seem to be lying...
What does reading motivation have to say about that? (Perception 4 + Investigation 1). Perhaps Caitlyn's interrogation provides a cooperation bonus die?

While Spinel is not going to step forward to offer the suggestion yet, if they wishes to ensure the Dragon-Blood is not here to harm, spy on, or otherwise betray the group, an Eclipse oath would solve the problem. ...surely in such an overlarge circle, one of their number is an Eclipse?
No. 1090720 ID: fbc9ce

That looks correct for me.
No. 1090723 ID: e0c5dd

rolled 3, 7, 7, 1, 5, 10, 10, 4, 2, 6 = 55

Rolling for my followers to notice Spinel among them. Bit of a wasted exercise, but it’s just in case. Perception 3 and Awareness 3, plus 4 extra dice in case of any bonuses.
No. 1090741 ID: 231662

Cold Blooded in the Blaze of the Sun arrives after completed his last minite browsing. He seems refreshed, even after having lugged 3 large crates across town. He quickly notices the presence of Taitapet among his companions.

"Ah, Kisara, is this one of our hirelings? A captain or other quality specialist i assume. Please advise of an appropriate time for introduction ls once we have all completed our respective duties."

He dusts his hands off & looks to see if there are any minions requiring either assistance or supervision, currently standing near the group, but with a look to about to step away at any moment
No. 1090743 ID: e0c5dd

“Uh, no. This is someone who wants in on the hunt. They’re a dynast…but they’re not going to kill us. I think…”
She nervously looked towards Cold, glancing at Taitapet as well.
No. 1090744 ID: 231662

He raises an eyebrow & speaks in a more elegant tongue than the colloquial RiverSpeak he has been addressing others in before
《High Realm》

"Oh, a Dynast, I knew it, I could just smell the quality. Where are you from? I understand most usually ask what house, but I find that your location of upbringing is far more revealing of ones character, wouldn't you agree?"
"I am known as Cold Blooded in the Blaze of the Sun, an affectation I use when dealing with those of the Threshold. Not that I look down upon them, you see, I too am a provincial, raised in Thorns before..."

His face darkens as he seems distracted by unsettling thoughts & memories, before making eye contact again with his stones, granite coloured eyes & mustering up an uneasy smile.

"Well, since then I am presenting with my Threshold moniker."
No. 1090761 ID: 231662

hundred pounds of mostly random trinkets and rocks, practical utility dubious
- Big bag of dried foods (fruit, fish & goat jerky etc)
- Big waterskin of freshwater
No. 1090768 ID: cfc7cc

Worth noting, if you're scaling the load to your strength and stamina with Unbreakable Bones of Stone active, but your metabolic needs are still based on natural ratings, that could be upwards of six weeks of food per slot.
Or maybe two of those five-gallon backpack-barrels of water, one slung on each shoulder, with a couple weeks of trail rations stacked on top of each?
No. 1090771 ID: 231662

(The two barrels of water with food stacked on top sounds perfect. Cold will do that)
No. 1090773 ID: e5fb2d

"I mostly grew up bouncing around The House of High Waves." He then stops for a moment, before adopting a very sheepish expression. "Not as an employee you understand..."


"I was sent to the Imperial City for schooling soon after, but that isn't really connected to your question now, is it? So I won't bore you with those details." Even though his eyes clearly want to! He isn't remotely trying to hide that!

They must be pleasant memories.
No. 1090831 ID: 91d957

He swaps back into RiverSpeak as he gestures to the others

"Well, if thry have already welcomed you, I see no reason for me not to do the same. We discuss about your upbringing once we arrive & camp has been set up."
No. 1090835 ID: cfc7cc

>The Burning Champion — 05/11/2024 6:17 PM
>As for what I am carrying, about as much food and water as I can carry, and a fancy compass with all 5 elemental poles marked on it that she stole off a ship on her journey eastward from the Ocean
No. 1090878 ID: cfc7cc

rolled 6, 4, 6, 1, 10, 9, 1, 10, 10, 10, 4, 8, 6, 5, 10, 5, 8, 10, 1, 4, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 6, 7, 1, 4, 1, 3, 9, 6, 6, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 2, 9, 3, 6, 6, 7, 8, 6, 9, 2, 2 = 292

Three young men with buff jackets, tetsubos, and hostile intent are loitering in or near Fleegman's apartment. Roll for Stealth and Awareness to see who spots who first.
Short of flight, teleportation, or demolishing walls, there are two ways in or out of the apartment: the building's interior stairs and hallways, which are dark and cramped, involving a lot of locked doors and blind corners... or the rear fire escape, skeletal catwalks of iron-hard black resin resembling ladders or thornbushes more than stairs, dangling over an alley knee-deep with oily stagnant water, and leading to a window which definitely isn't meant to be opened from the outside, but at least there's moonlight. How are you approaching?
No. 1090978 ID: 1bf782

rolled 4, 8, 2, 3, 5, 6 = 28

Perception + Awareness +3 dice for extras
No. 1090979 ID: 1bf782

rolled 4, 8, 1, 9, 9, 7, 4 = 42

Dex + Stealth (-1 penalty) +3 for extras
No. 1090980 ID: 1bf782

Cold looks around, noticing at the last moment the somewhat unexpected reception. He signals to the others to hang back a moment behind a stack of boxes nefore they are all seen.
No. 1090988 ID: e5fb2d

The men chuckle to themselves at the sight of someone gazing in that sort of way at the place they're guarding. They both approach, one of them is posted inside precisely to give them this sort of flexibility.
No. 1090990 ID: e5fb2d

(Join Debate)
No. 1090992 ID: e5fb2d

rolled 7, 2, 8, 8, 9, 10, 1, 7, 1, 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, 9, 3, 8, 8, 2, 6 = 124

No. 1090997 ID: 1bf782

Seeing the sentries approach, Cold resigns himself to having a discussion. He signals to his guide to wait behind him as he confidently strides towards them. Leaning on a wall with his flinty stare hinting at his displeasure of being delayed
No. 1091001 ID: cfc7cc

After some initial attempts at diplomacy, one of the goons smashes a hole through the wall where Cold's head was a moment earlier. Cold then steals a knife off the man's belt and stabs him with it for four levels of lethal damage.

The other goon panics and flees, while a third (who was waiting inside) attempts to negotiate a surrender, in exchange for his friend getting urgently needed medical attention.
No. 1091040 ID: cfc7cc

Wounded goon who organized the ambush at Fleegman's apartment is stabilized. Might eventually regain full use of his left arm, with luck or further treatment. Both of his buddies, plus the girlfriend of the one who ran off in a panic, have been disarmed and are surrounded by enough huge beastmen that they don't dare make trouble... at least for the moment. What will you do with them?

All the expedition crew and equipment - or at least everything you'll be able to find on such short notice, more than enough to fill a casting of Stormwind Rider to capacity - has been assembled and packed. Will you be setting out immediately via spell, before dawn?
Or loading it onto a ship first (to lay a false trail and/or bring reinforcements closer to the destination), then launching from the deck once you're outside the city?
There's enough moonlight that high-speed overland navigation is possible, but it won't be easy.
No. 1091050 ID: 0b12aa

Woe would vote to leave as soon as possible, but I (the player) vote for the ship plan.
No. 1091082 ID: 965bce

rolled 6, 1, 1, 10, 2, 9, 5, 9, 5, 4, 10, 8, 5, 5, 6, 9, 10, 7, 3, 3 = 118

>Wounded goon who organized the ambush at Fleegman's apartment is stabilized.
>Second medical emergency within two hours
"Is this going to be a pattern?"

>Wounded goon who organized the ambush at Fleegman's apartment is stabilized. Might eventually regain full use of his left arm, with luck or further treatment.
With bleeding staunched and immediate death off the table, let's see bad the rest of it is. (Perception 4 + Medicine 5), plus Flawless Diagnosis Technique. How bad is the crippling wound, how many health levels is he down?

>"What will you do with them?"
"To be clear, I did not keep him from Lethe just so someone could add further knives. I'm not in the business of facilitating torture."

> lay a false trail and/or bring reinforcements closer to the destination
"A feint might help in reducing the rate of medical interventions."
No. 1091094 ID: cfc7cc

"No, my friend wasn't running away from a back-alley knife fight! He's no coward! And, um, also we aren't criminals and definitely would never be involved with such a thing. Some fey horseman came from the firewander district, lanced and trampled him."
"Well, that does sound fairly consistent with him having been struck first in the shoulder, with superhuman force focused on a sharp point, knocked down by the impact onto cobblestones, and then crushed by something weighing several hundred pounds moving at about 20mph, but...
>Flawless Diagnosis Technique
"...something's not quite right."
"What do you mean? There's even a clear hoofprint on his jacket right there."
"That definitely is an impression from a horseshoe, but it doesn't quite line up with the deepest bruising."

After some further alchemical tests...

"Aha! There's no traces of wyld taint in the wound. And who ever heard of a fae horse with iron shoes?"

Turns out that Cold had a horseshoe he was carrying around on a string, intending to eventually enchant it. Inflicted the puncture wound (and concomitant shattered scapula) with a knife, rather than a cavalry lance, and apparently managed to put a cavalry charge's worth of force behind it with a jump from a standing start. If not for a sturdy mammoth-hide jacket, might have torn open the brachial artery, killed that poor bastard on the spot.

In mechanical terms, the patient is down five lethal health levels - four from the initial strike, plus one from subsequent bleeding - and if that broken shoulderblade is allowed to heal wrong, he'll be at a persistent -2 wound penalty due to chronic pain and reduced range of motion in his left arm and back.
No. 1091139 ID: 7ce054

"A fey noble rampaging around Nexus sounds like a real problem. Perhaps we should delay our departure long enough to take care of this threat? I would hate to bring further strife to this city, such as it is, but this may be the only way to ultimately bring about peace for all." Caitlyn suggests, taking the thug's description seriously.
No. 1091140 ID: 094811

“Yeah….that’s bad. I also say we deal with this, the wyld can be….problematic. Believe me. I know more than most.”
She was just standing nearby, leaning against the wall of the barracks, her ears dropped down a bit in worry.
No. 1091141 ID: 094811

*Drooped, sorry.
No. 1091290 ID: 7ce054

"Please, can you tell me more of this fey knight? I shall hunt down this fiend while I have time before departure."
No. 1091333 ID: 81376c

“Well, on the subject of our departure, allow me to suggest. I say we leave by ship, lay a false trail. Might throw off any pursuers, allow last minute decisions. Unless anyone has any objections?”
Kisara was clearly taking charge, her ears had pricked up, her tone of voice had changed slightly, etcetera.
No. 1091335 ID: ee10ae

"A valid and useful idea." Thousand Maws gives her a smile in support. "I happen to have a ship I could use for the purpose, as well, if everyone wishes."
No. 1091341 ID: e28b6f

"Yeah, sure."
No. 1091457 ID: cfc7cc

Spinel Caryatid's Flawless Diagnosis Technique has determined that there was no such horseman, and Fleegman can confirm.
No. 1091511 ID: 253151

Cold, having seen the medical emergency been resolved, left to continue packing. He returns shortly after, with a great leap to near Caitlyn, pnce seeing she was readying to hunt the mysterious assailant of the injured. With a wave for her to come closer, he quietly explains the situation

"Ah, Caitlyn, so valiant of you to seek justice, but I cant help but feel I am somewhat responsible for this. When Fkeegman & I approached his residence, there were three armed & aggressive men awaiting us. As I moved forward to discuss the options if them looking away, they attacked me , so I acquired a dagger from the soon to be wounded warrior which caused him to realise he was out matched & flee, so I leapt & struck him but once, but he fell mightily to the ground with grave injury. My heart softened to see his plight, so we hurtied here for medical attention, taking his two accomplices with us I believe. In all the excitement I am not quite sure who accompanied us. The tale invented of the Fae was an invention of these men, I suppose for the purpose of deflection of their nefarious intent upon Fleegman & I, or to dissuade others of the notion of Exalted being involved, eitherway, a little bit of duplicitous rumour will aid us in maintaining what few shreds of anonymity remains about is & our intentions. I couldn't bear you to put yourself at risk seeking a fable that has little bearing to the truth."
No. 1091513 ID: 965bce

rolled 1, 1, 6, 2, 5, 5, 2, 7, 8, 5, 9, 6, 3, 4, 9, 4, 2, 2, 10, 2, 9, 2, 7, 5, 10, 6, 7, 7, 4, 10 = 160

As it doesn't seem the expedition is going to be rushing off immediately, Spinel Caryatid is going to commandeer part of the barracks' kitchen and break out her alchemy kit, to whip up some hero's recovery to treat the broken shoulder blade. Along the way, she borrows Cold's horseshoe for inclusion in the ritual, muttering about "sympathetic resonances" (the iron struck a blow but did not cause the injury in the intended recipient- that's symbolism she can use).

Paying 2m (per houserules) activation cost for the ritual, spending 1 wp on an autosuccess. (Intelligence 5 + Occult 1 + Art of Alchemy + 1 + Stunt). Could potentially add a cooperation die or or two if anyone with dots in Occult wants to assist in an hour of potion making.

Assuming that succeeds, I'd be willing to throw Wound-Mending Care Technique at wrapping things up. ...are we discharging/releasing the surrendered assailants back to Nexus and their employers, or brining them along for the ride?

> If you're forming up most of the expedition as a single unit, who's the leader?
> And who's in special character slots?
Willing to assign Spinel as a sorcerer/specialist. If we don't have enough relays, could swap to that role, but she does have a ranged option.
No. 1091521 ID: 7ce054

rolled 4, 4, 6, 2, 7, 8, 3, 9, 4, 8, 10 = 65

"I see, thank you for the clarification." Caityln then approaches the one who had told the tale of the fey "While we are taking a moment to explore the truth, why dont we discuss why you were waiting for Fleegman to return to his home? Please seize this opportunity for redemption as I abhor violence."

=======[ OOC ]=======

Charisma 3 + Presence 0 + Stone of Humble Glory 5
Channel Compassion +5 Successes
Appearance 5
-1 WP
-1 Compassion Channel
No. 1091531 ID: cfc7cc

Treatment successful, despite some unexpected challenges. A less astute alchemist would likely have seen the potion spoiled by contamination from Nexus's miasma.
>Could potentially add a cooperation die or or two if anyone with dots in Occult wants to assist in an hour of potion making.
They'd need to know the specific procedure to be able to help, though not necessarily the full corresponding degree.
No. 1091563 ID: 43fe43

rolled 2, 10, 6, 5, 2, 1, 10, 6, 10, 9, 1, 7, 2, 6, 5, 4, 9, 3, 8, 1, 6, 5, 3, 2, 10, 10, 3, 5, 8, 2, 3, 5, 6, 2, 5, 7, 3, 7, 1, 5, 3, 6, 8, 7, 10, 1, 6, 7, 8, 5 = 266

Champion is going to take a simple route to preparing for the oncoming voyage. Much as she stated she was going to do in >>1089693 she is going to pursue looking for a big enough ship for the party to steal in order to take care of 150 people, and the far simpler problem of food and drink she's going to handle by just waiting until she no longer is obviously a dragon, and just walking up to a prepared pile of food barrels and water that aren't quite being loaded yet, and hefting a barrel over each shoulder, food on the left water on the right, and walking off like she owned the place.

Just walking around with stolen barrels in hand, she was going to find the tallest building she could climb, and go looking out at the horizon in order to make sure that the weather was going to be good in the south by south east direction.
No. 1091565 ID: c1fc91

Kisara then stepped in next to the goon.
“Look. We won’t kill you. We promise. But you’re not coming out of this without giving something up. So, since I’m the ruling authority in this place, under the rules of my people, you owe us a life-debt. Me and my friend here.”
She gestured to Cold.
“So, you work for us, and everything’s okay. Deal?”
No. 1091603 ID: 3c020a

rolled 5, 10, 10, 7, 9, 7, 4, 7, 6, 7, 8, 7, 2, 3, 6 = 98

Cold Blooded in the Blaze of the Sun puts down his three crates, pushing them into place like they were light cartons & not the thick, weathered wooden crates they were & nods meaningfully at Kisara's words, the hilt of his large sword looming ominously over his shoulder

"I think you understand how we are better friends than opponents"

《OoC Cha + Presence to Influence them, +10 dice for binus/stunts/modifiers》
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