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File 169669541223.gif - (4.11MB , 1000x800 , falling-city-title-animation.gif )
1074204 No. 1074204 ID: 0b594e

Rumors abound of the city.
They say it just appeared one day.
They say no one has ever seen its top.
They say it is a place of mystic secrets and wild pleasures.

But before we can get to that...
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No. 1082191 ID: 56db77

Looks like some sort of electric sensory system picking up on nerve signals. Damn useful for spotting hidden animals.
No. 1082193 ID: 00c4e9

Squat under the table and see if you can sense her through the wood.
No. 1082194 ID: 9e6aa6

Is she just surprised at you doing self-surgery in the cafeteria, or is the sensing affecting her somehow?
No. 1082235 ID: 8f9bc4


You can cure cancer with a sharp knife. The problem is when little pieces of it escape into the bloodstream and make more tumors in worse places.


Just swapping physical organs? Because swapping hormones and biochemistry and chromosomes would require an awfully tiny scalpel, and a whole lot of patience.
No. 1082241 ID: 8c1a7d

So long as you've swapped in a complete set of reproductive organs the chromosomes won't really matter and the new organs should regulate the hormones
No. 1083502 ID: 5ebd37
File 170815113697.jpg - (378.11KB , 1000x800 , dinner conversation.jpg )

>some sort of electric sensory system?
Martah: (I'd heard of sharks being able to sense electrical waves, but this seems to be far more advanced. And through the air no less! I really can't begin to guess what mechanism it's using and I'm a little scared. Range seems a bit limited, it fades out halfway across this room, but this could be a huge help for the hunters! And we've got a whole six of them to work with.)

>You can cure cancer?
Martah: (Hmm? Oh sure, just direct the blood cells to where the bad cells are. The body is actually quite capable of dealing with rogue cells on its own, it just needs to be shown the way sometimes.)

>how hard is it to gender-shift?
Martah: (That's easy! Well as long as you have a donor organ to swap out. If you're rebuilding the existing organ or making one from scratch it will take a while. Its not uncommon, though its too much of a pain to do everyday. Murdoc has switched a few times, whereas I've only experimented with more surface level changes. Now that we aren't beholden to the old traditions I expect people will get a lot more wild with it.)

>why your people weren't preserved?
Martah: (Oh there's no doubt the rich will be secretly making use of the tribes we left behind. Our former merchant are probably making horrible deals as we speak. But frankly it was our own hidebound elders that always held us back. I doubt any outsiders knew the full extent we are capable of. So many traditions of maintaining the proper bodily forms, of keeping changes temporary. We'll definitely be better off now, I just wish it hadn't taken an existential threat.)

>Is she just surprised at you doing self-surgery in the cafeteria, or is the sensing affecting her somehow?
Martah: (Ah, right, I forgot she hasn't been with us for very long. She probably isn't used to regular dismemberment and such.)

>Look through the wood
Martah: *hak* "Hey Solfar, I was just examining this beast's organ. I can put it away if it's bothering you. Ooh, hang on a moment..." Martah ducks under the thick trestle table, noting how the auras the organ shows are much dimmer through the wood. "Fascinating..."

Solfar stares for a bit, then shakes herself and sits down. "You guys are strange, but at least its always lively."

As Martah is just finishing up getting his eye back in, the pair are joined by Mirrak. The bunnbold sits down heavily and sighs "Ah, thanks for your help today, we should have those plants squared away in a few days."

Time for polite dinner conversation, what's a good topic? The day's work, evening plans, the harrowing situation they've only just escaped from, or something else?
No. 1083503 ID: 462d8c

For mental health, probably not task related. Ask what are some hobbies or possible group activities they might be interested in
No. 1083504 ID: 273c18

Ask what they're looking forward to building in the new city. What facilities do they want?
No. 1083508 ID: c1638e

This is a good one. Perhaps with some luck we can find a hot spring to draw from and make a nice bathhouse? What would they like to see develop?
No. 1085176 ID: 5ebd37
File 170944127727.jpg - (355.07KB , 1000x614 , devouring stew.jpg )

Mirrak: "It's going to be strange, robolds staying in one place. I mean, we're moving down but that doesn't count. Ooh but just think of the stuff we can build now! Shops and stores, maybe even a market, we'll get so many new customers!"

Solfar: "Eh, what customers? We don't even know if there's anyone on this world besides us."

Mirrak: The bunnbold waves off the question. "Oh they'll come. I didn't spend years under the nastiest old traders just to end up in the middle of nowhere."

Martah: "Well that's good for the tribe, but what do you want for yourself? myself, I hope we get a good theatre."

Solfar: "And I'd like an arcade."

Martah: "A what?"

Solfar: "Oh, its a place with lots of games and activities. I've never been able to go in one, but they looked amazing." she sighs "I guess I'll never get the chance now."

Martah: "Hey don't say that. We'll build you the best arcade you've ever seen."

Mirrak: "Definitely, the crafters will be all over that as soon as they hear about it." she glances over to the next table, where several of said crafters are scribbling notes and pretending not to eavesdrop. "Ah, they're incorrigible. Well if we're shooting for the moon, I'd really like a bath house, with one of those outdoor steam pools. I've always wanted to spend an evening just soaking, watching the sun go down, holding her close while the world fades away."

Martah: "Ooh, that sounds romantic. I'm sure the Chief would love that."

Mirrak: "Wh- who said anything about the Chief?" she sputters, blushing.

Solfar: "Ee hee hee, so that's why you were so nervous at morning meeting, huh?"

Mirrak: "Agggh, is it that obvious? She was always the bad girl with the radical ideas that we apprentices couldn't be seen with, and now I see her everyday! And she says my name and tells me I'm doing a good job!?" She lets out a shuddering sigh, slumping onto the table. "How can I ever measure up to the bright, shining dream she has for us?" she mutters "I wanna kiss her so bad."
No. 1085180 ID: eb0a9c

We heard that, silly.

For real, though, you need to start with your critical infrastructure - because you've got so many reality hacks that designing this otherwise-boring task is going to be awesome. Everything's literally falling, so you've got some powerful self-generating energy sources by simply hooking a dynamo to the ground and letting the mass of the city itself power it through gear contact. Same goes for water flow, which can literally be a stationary water tank/purifier that gets dumped wastewater at the top, flows through the filters using its own gravity, and then pours out freely at the bottom.
And that's just using dumb low-level tricks! There's so much you can do to turn this place into "The City That Cannot Lay Down And Finish Falling".

This city has the potential to be literally perpetual, because it involves a reality-defying hack that would likely cost multiple times its production in ongoing energy costs. But you have it, so put it to good use!
No. 1085182 ID: 8f9bc4

Start by getting a bath house built.
No. 1085186 ID: 273c18

Be good at your job, and she'll take notice.
No. 1085194 ID: 236926

What about you, Martah? Have an eye for anyone?
No. 1085202 ID: 56db77

Sideways windmills could also work as a constant energy source
No. 1086465 ID: 5ebd37
File 171048457209.jpg - (1.13MB , 1000x800 , good ideas.jpg )

>Be good at your job, and she'll take notice.
>Start by getting a bath house built.
Martah: "Yeah, you're fine Mirrak. You just need a romantic moment to ask her out. So that's our priority then, building a bath house."

Mirrak: "Stop iiiit." she complains, but she's clearly smiling.

Solfar: "hee hee hee"

>What about you, Martah? Have an eye for anyone?
Martah: (Well, as you can probably tell, I'm not much of a kisser. I've spent a few hot nights with some lovely folks, but I just don't have that much drive, you know? I've got my friends, and that's enough for me.)

>hooking a dynamo to the ground and letting the mass of the city itself power it through gear contact
>Sideways windmills could also work as a constant energy source
Martah: "Wow, that sounds like something a people that weren't nomads would have the relevant skills to accomplish! Unless the windmills were made out of bones and tendons, which, hmmm. Maybe?"

Mirrak: "No, Martah. That would just start rotting, and we have more than enough vines and wood. As for this 'dynamo' even if we could make one, the edge of the ground is like a half a mile away. Might be a bit tricky."

Solfar: "I've only repaired machines, not built them, so I don't know how much I could help here. I don't think you have the right metals here."

Mirrak: "Its definitely something to discuss at the next meeting." she stretches and gets to her feet. "But its getting late, so I'll see you two tomorrow."

Solfar: "Good night! ... is that supposed to be a scribble of me?"

Martah: "uhhhh"
No. 1086466 ID: 5ebd37
File 171048471878.gif - (3.97MB , 1000x800 , morning-two.gif )

An uneventful night passes into the dawn of the second day on this strange new world.
Martah: (You know, you guys don't have to just hang around me all the time. I'm going to be studying those sense organs some more, might be boring for you.)

Who do you want to follow today?
Martah messing around with flesh shaping
Murdoc and the hunters planning an excursion to the ground
Donvan and Jormun trying to figure out this wurm's whole deal
Solfar doing... something
>>1080192 Or one of these weirdos
No. 1086476 ID: df60a9

>not much of a kisser
My brother in Christ, you are a fleshbender. Even if your normal mouth is cursed, life finds a way.
I suppose if you feel using a grafted mouth doesn't count, that's fair.

We may be of use to the ground expedition. Our third-person perspective can often help with picking up details in the area that might otherwise be missed, like threats hiding from the host's line of sight but not ours'.
No. 1086490 ID: 462d8c

Let's follow murdoc for a bit
No. 1086813 ID: 2f41db

I agree.

We can spread the knowledge gained but also there may be things more visible to spirits than the scouts.

...i wonder if there are local spirit forms too?
No. 1087438 ID: 5ebd37
File 171177585212.jpg - (48.38KB , 1000x800 , edge of the wurm.jpg )

>Even if your normal mouth is cursed, life finds a way.
Martah: (Yeah well... no, you're right. I've had this curse for a long time, and I've let it kind of control my life. Sillah has been helping me build up my self esteem, but I keep falling into old habits, assuming folks will reject me and so isolating myself. I am getting better though, really.

So uhhh, I'm gonna go now. See you later!)

Martah scurries off to do weird things with organs. We now join the hunters' planning session already in progress.

Mishkah: "-didn't save his legs now did it? And how would we set one of those up when we're falling out of the sky? C'mon now people, we need good ideas, good ideas."

Off to the side of this rabble stand Grishkah and Murdoc, peering over the edge.
Murdoc: "I don't think these wing suits are going to be enough. Even if we clear the forest how will we land at that speed?"

Grishkah: "Couldn't you just" He mimes a shallow arc. "Like down and then up? How did you do it in the mountains?"

Murdoc: "About like that, yes, but never over such distances." She glances up. "Oh, its you lot. I don't suppose any of you have experience with flying? PItreh wants us exploring further out, but the forest is giving us trouble."
No. 1087439 ID: 5ebd37
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Grishkah: "The portal is about a mile across, and Jormun is a quarterish mile wide, so gliding to the ground is no problem. It's just that the forest is jam-packed with wicked cool beasts, which have thus far proven impassable. This entire valley is dense forest, coniferous trees and many mosses and ferns. It seems as though the mountains all shed their water on this side, so the plantlife is flourishing. It's practically a jungle! But that makes progress slow and gives predators cover."

Murdoc: "Exploration aside, if we can't hunt that's going to put a lot of pressure on the farm team. Robolds have never been farmers, so I don't expect we can rely on them so soon. We still have a fair store of food from the old world, so its not a crisis yet. I just don't like feeling trapped here."
No. 1087441 ID: 273c18

The top portal is pretty high up... How far could a kobold glide if they exited the portal at the top and went as far out as possible?

Has anyone gone up above the top portal to see what's on the other side? Most likely case is that it leads to the ground under the bottom portal, which wouldn't be super helpful but at least gives us an option for how to land-- it's easier to use a bit of velocity to fly up above the top portal than it is to slow down and land normally from high up.
No. 1087442 ID: eb0a9c

>Robolds are not farmers
Okay. How about ranchers? You can trade in optimized farm animals for crops from the local towns.
Ranching means you just need to set up defenses and boundaries for the grazing livestock. They'll do the 'farming' for you.
No. 1087443 ID: 462d8c

Probably not the best idea, but what about fire? It'd help clear out areas for excursions and keep predators away. Plus, the updrafts from the heat would help increase the distance one could glide. Wouldn't have to worry about the fire getting out of control if the area is so green as well. Would maybe take devising some firebombs and some designated spots to target
No. 1087444 ID: 8f9bc4

Why. yes. I have experience flying. First, you pay for your ticket... oh wait.
No. 1087458 ID: 2f41db

You need a staging post.

Pick a convenient natural clearing, expand on that. Wooden fence and minor earthworks like a ditch with spikes sunk and facing outwards.
A couple of rudimentary tents for rest and storage.
Torches around the perimeter at night.

This will give you a clear, safe landing point, allow for extended expeditions and provide a secure rest and storage point for gathered supplies.

Anything found, foraged or hunted could be stored there and left to a seperate team to ferry back to the city.
Hunter focus on hunting, loggers and foragers on their work.
A team of your strongest can respond to a raised flag from the camp and travel down to make pick ups or drop offs.
Specialisation for efficiency.
No. 1087483 ID: dca656

Yeah, expand a clearing and start fortifying it.

Is there any quick modifications on the workers you can do to help with tree chopping? Or maybe just beef up the hunters to help fend off beasts.
No. 1087494 ID: a031a4

Getting back up to the portals might be a concern as well, no? Do you have any plans or equipment in place for that already?

If not, we'll need to establish some infrastructure below. Securing a landing site, building something like a lift and pulley system to get back up or transport supplies. A lift system that tall will take a long time and space to build safely.
No. 1088886 ID: 5ebd37
File 171324047168.jpg - (69.71KB , 1000x800 , considering bodily harm.jpg )

>How far could a kobold glide if they exited the portal at the top and went as far out as possible?
Murdoc: "From the top portal we are five miles up. Or four? I can't really tell, but its quite high either way. So plenty of range, it's the landing I'm worried about.
Now I'm not one to shy away from dashing myself upon the rocks. Done it a few times, it's not so bad. But I'd just as soon not rely on a shaper being on hand to resurrect at the very outset of our expedition."

>what about fire?
Grishkah: "Not a bad idea, this forest is very wet so it wouldn't spread too far. But by that same token It will take some doing to get a good blaze going. Maybe just a torch fence to start."

>How about ranchers?
Grishkah: "Quite a few beasts got caught when the portal opened. We've got a team sorting out the ones we captured alive. They should have a report by the next meeting."

Murdoc: "I popped in for a minute this morning and its a madhouse. They'll have their hands full finding anything domesticable in that lot."

>You need a staging post.
>Yeah, expand a clearing and start fortifying it.
Grishkah: "Sigh, so straightforward, but its the best plan for the moment. Needs more action though, more beast fighting."

Murdoc: "No, shut it, it's a great plan. Establish a foot hold and work from there, and it will keep the hunters busy before they go tearing off into the woods for sport. Come on, we'll do a flyover now and pick out a likely spot."

>Getting back up to the portals might be a concern as well, no? Do you have any plans or equipment in place for that already?
Murdoc: "I mean, we'll be right next to the lower portal so, we can just hop back in. Jormun is falling much slower than terminal velocity, so it's easy to catch up."

>Has anyone gone up above the top portal to see what's on the other side?
Grishkah: "The top? Of course, why didn't we think to check before?"

Murdoc: "Well here comes the portal, lets go find out."
No. 1088887 ID: 5ebd37
File 171324050592.gif - (299.15KB , 1000x800 , portal-top.gif )

No. 1088888 ID: 5ebd37
File 171324057509.gif - (534.15KB , 1000x800 , little-clearings.gif )

Grishkah: "Aghl-aghl-aghl-aghhh!"

Murdoc: "Well that's a no go. Guess it has a shield to keep people from messing with it.

Anyway, lets pick a landing point. There's a long, narrow clearing with a stream, a small clearing with dark spots, and a large clearing with a sandy area. Also there's a big square rock that might make a nice high ground."
No. 1088889 ID: 462d8c

Aim for the clearing with sand
No. 1088890 ID: 2f41db

Dont trust those spots in the open field.
Rock looks very defensible but very visible.
That said, jormy is probably getting all the attention so that's lesser of an issue.
Fresh stream might be a good start point for game trails.

I say go with the sandy patch clearing.
More room to work with.
There could be something lurking in the sand like some kind of horrific giant antlion, but thats a positive to some of the more hunthungry folk.
No. 1088899 ID: 273c18

I couldn't quite tell what the shield does. Is it like a trampoline or something?
The sand seems like it might work for a landing zone. It's softer then landing on rocks that's for sure. How are we going to handle water supplies in the staging post? Regular deliveries?

You know, I just realized I don't know how close to the ground the portal down there is. Does it actually cut into the ground to make a "hole"? Where did all the stuff that was there go, in that case...?
No. 1088904 ID: f3171e

Good point, sand would cushion the landing.
No. 1088908 ID: 80c73b

Hmm. I'm inclined to go with either the rock or the sand, though I'm wondering about things hiding in the sand. How's your water supply, though? Would the river be notably useful?
No. 1089014 ID: 56db77

I say go with the rock, who knows what those dark spots are, the sand could conceal all manner of horrible burrowing monstrosities, and while fresh water is nice the stream isn't really shaped in a way to make for a good defensive barrier.
No. 1090346 ID: 5ebd37
File 171489539651.jpg - (186.54KB , 1000x800 , fallingcity_53 a foolish tableau.jpg )

>the shield, is it like a trampoline or something?

Murdoc: "Yeah he just bounced right off. Reassuring actually, I don't want to think about what would happen if one of the portals were to fail."

>how close to the ground is the portal down there?

Murdoc: "It's flush with the ground, recessed about a foot down even. Everything that was above it was dropped in when it opened, and we piled it up on Jormun. So far no animals have been stupid enough to fall in, though they don't seem to fear getting near it either."

>How are we going to handle water supplies?

Murdoc: "Uh, supplies isn't my strong suit, I know hunting and scouting more. Thinking about how to get water from that stream to Jormun makes my head hurt. But this forest seems like it gets a lot of rainfall, and there's gray clouds drawing near. I'd say some simple collectors will suffice for now."

> Sand, sand, sand, sand, rock/sand, rock

Murdoc: "Hmm, I'm having second thoughts about the rock, hard to build on. The sand obviously will have ambushers, but overall seems better. And plenty of space too."

Murdoc angles herself through the air to join her boss. The hunter bats at the stricken Grishkah until he stops spinning. His eyes are still spinning in opposite directions though. With aerial grace Murdoc manages to get them both safely back atop Jormun.

Landing among the hunters, Murdoc unceremoniously dumps the dizzy boss on the ground. "Alright alright, enough hanging about. Who's ready to get down there and show this new world what we're made of?"

Mishkah: "Finally!" the other hunter boss kicks over the drawing board and sprints to the Wurm's edge. "You sort out the details, I'll see you down there!" With a jaunty salute he disappears over the side.

Murdoc: "Wait, you don't know where we're landing!" Too late, he's gone.
No. 1090347 ID: 273c18

Quickly inform those present, then chase after The Fool so you can point him towards the landing site.
No. 1090360 ID: 2f41db

You have to admire their enthusiasm.

Well, best get down there.
No. 1090368 ID: 210aa5

Aim towards the edge of the sand. Soft landing, but you have a better chance to scurry away from anything buried beneath.
No. 1090370 ID: 8f9bc4

dammit Leeroy...
No. 1091494 ID: 5ebd37
File 171632262008.jpg - (269.71KB , 1000x800 , fallingcity_54 touchdown.jpg )

Murdoc: (Damn, if they're both out of commission then I have to be in charge. Well not on my watch!) She turns to the hunters "Right! Burgo, you're with me." The big cappybolda nods and grabs his equipment. "The rest of you, get Gris to a shaper and grab some supplies. Pointy sticks or something, I don't know. We're landing in the sandy spot, lets go!"

Murdoc and Burgo quickly catch up to Mishkah, who is splayed out and idly drifting down.
Mishkah: "What took you so long? Show me where we're heading." Murdoc rolls her eyes and leads the way.

The group swoops in and lands safely on the sand. Hurriedly getting to solid ground, they look around the empty clearing. "Well this is far too suspiciously quiet." says Murdoc, as a gentle breeze stirs the grass.

At the treeline a long red snout emerges from the foliage. Yellow eyes peer at the party.
No. 1091499 ID: 273c18

Prepare for battle, but don't make the first move. I think we would prefer not to enrage the predator if it won't attack on its own. Observe its behavior.
No. 1091503 ID: 8f9bc4

Best defense against a predator is to make yourself seem big. Stand on top of each other, stack those kobolds!
No. 1091508 ID: 462d8c

This should be our response to everything

I do agree that we need to observe before engaging first. For all we know this is a thinking creature
No. 1091512 ID: 2f41db

Stack them 'bolds.

Itnmight initially be a funny suggestion but predators are often very wary creatures.
One bad call can lead to starvation.
Especially among non pack hunters.

Sometimes doing something unexpected can throw tyem while they try to figure out if youre a good prey target or not.

Standard thing. Dont show it your back.
No. 1091515 ID: 28f26c

Eyes up, something's watching you. Only one right now, but it could be a pack predator.
No. 1091624 ID: 80c73b

Nice sand effects, looks cool.

>One bad call can lead to starvation.
Specifically compared to herbivores, whose food can't run away; is the logic I've heard. A herbivore tears a muscle, they just take a little longer to get to new grass; a predator tears a muscle, and they can't catch anything.
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