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1003839 No. 1003839 ID: b081a5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


(Content warning: This quest will contain 18+ scenes of violence, nudity, and, depending on circumstance, weird freaky aliens getting it on. Reader discretion advised.)
19 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1003913 ID: beea23

7, hard mode let’s go
No. 1003921 ID: 43bfc0

4, though I'm sure you can get away with some plant-related side research. Breed something really weird and forbidden, and possibly tasty.
No. 1003932 ID: 736b7e

Genetics sounds like fun. Maybe you can design yourself to stop looking like candy corn. Or maybe everyone else look like candy corn. The candy corn possibilities are endless!
No. 1003936 ID: a9af05

4. Hydroponics
No. 1003937 ID: 9a2966

Research sounds fun.

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973103 No. 973103 ID: 5a5548 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

this quest is (obviously) nsfw. it contains clothing damage, sex, and ogres.

the mysterious Sexy Dungeon has stood undefeated for eons, tempting adventurers with bottomless stores of earthly wealth and the seductive allure of carnal pleasures, but never has a lucky soul managed to reach the bottom level of the labyrinth. all challengers to the earthen tunnels of lust have been struck low and surrendered themselves to the advances of the dungeon sentries.

one such group of intrepid explorers enters the dungeon now, in search of treasure, glory in battle, or perhaps something more... intimate in nature...
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No. 985819 ID: 15a025

Adventure into the secret room!
No. 985839 ID: 5b0071

Secret rooom
but don't split the party.
No. 985850 ID: e8bee9

No. 985851 ID: 094652

Remember, your enemies showed you their secret stash. Test the secret room for traps.
No. 1002911 ID: cfcead

This still alive?
cause I want to see that secret room

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1001233 No. 1001233 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/993129.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Fog_World
Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/134344.html
122 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1002338 ID: a9af05

It might not be a good idea to keep playing. If you lose track of time, then it'll be night. That's when all of the doors lock and Benny comes out to hunt. You don't want to be stuck in here all night!

Let's go do Kab's job.
No. 1002340 ID: 9a2966

>strange, isn't it?
Sure is. Maybe everything actually has a mind of its own, but can't express it without whatever this black goop is.

You shouldn't keep playing. Time gets nebulous when you play games and Benny comes out at night. If you were to do nothing else here, then maybe, but if you're to take Kab's deal, just take the novelty for what it was - fun, but temporary. If you leave the place standing, maybe you can come back for another go, later.

Accept Kab's deal, check on the backrooms.
No. 1002343 ID: e13b1d

Let's start with the bathroom. Nearby in case we need to bolt, and we know where it is.

Equip the piston mace.
No. 1002369 ID: 36784c

Ask if he can get you a better light source? You can’t exactly look for things with your lighter.
No. 1002409 ID: 031458

If it's still early yet hit that continue button.
If you're burning daylight... Well... You need to finish this before nightfall.

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989955 No. 989955 ID: 0fbdcd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

There are a few things every human being on an advanced world knows about spaceflight.

The first is some basic history. Some time long before the foundation of the modern Historiam Calendar, ancient humanity sent an enormous amount of self-replicating machines hurtling through space. These probes, known as Terraformation Engines, were designed for one enormously complex task: to identify planetoids in habitable zones and seed them with life. Full-scale atmospheric creation, the artificial spread of both flora and fauna; the shaping of countless Earths and Earthlikes. This effort has created an ever-expanding sphere of habitable space, centered from the Core Worlds, humanity’s birthplace. The furthest edges of this sphere are known as the Rim. Humanity has spread outward from the Core, following in the wake of the Engines, colonizing, living, dying.

The second is some basic physics. It is impossible to move faster than the speed of light, excepting the will of the Archotechs- and they’re certainly not telling humans how to do it. This means that to cross the vast distances between stars is a task of centuries. The geologic timescale of spaceflight ensures the vast majority of planets are isolated. When humanity does travel, they do so in a state of artificially induced Cryptobiosis, only awoken at rare, regular intervals to prevent illness and assure mental well-being. The endless work of flight itself is performed by a Persona-Level AI, operating at a human capacity without fatigue as it guides the craft.

The third is a simple fact. We are alone. While life generated outside of humanity has been reported, no records within the Historiam exist of contact with intelligent life not originating from Humanity itself- with the possible exception of the Archotechs, but this is, reasonably, impossible to confirm.
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No. 1002061 ID: 0fbdcd
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You jump down with a heavy thud, and work quickly. There’s only one easy exit- but there’s a pile of boxes near it, and they can be shoved aside to make a makeshift barricade- then climbed up to perch safely above. It’s only a matter of waiting for the man to fully regenerate, and then you can try to propose some kind of working relationship. It’s better than executing someone in their sleep, at least.

About five minutes later, the quiet pops of joints and knitting flesh go quiet. The man has almost completely scabbed over with dense, pale chitin- it’s covered his face entirely. He wakes with a muffled grunt- and while he sounds irritated, he doesn’t seem particularly alarmed. He reaches aside for a sharp knife, made of a short piece of sharpened rebar- and thrusts it into his face, shattering the keratin shell. He pulls at it with his hands, prying apart enough to leave his eyes and mouth exposed, before searching around for his clothes.
You allow it, considering you don’t particularly feel like staring at armored man-ass, before clearing your throat and steadying your weapon.

As he looks up, his response is rather muted.
>”Oh. Surprising. Thought you would be dispatched by now.”

“Not everyone is as kill-crazy as you are. I’ve met up with the First Mate- we have plans to save this ship. Save everyone! We can put the engines back together- maybe even revive the Chief Engineer to help!”

He remains placid. His eyes scan the room, clearly trying to assess retaliation, but there aren’t many avenues for someone on the wrong end of a high-ground situation.
>”And my being on the end of a gun helps that goal… how?”
No. 1002062 ID: 0fbdcd
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He gestures towards the fire- and you nod. He steps over into the light, seating himself, crosslegged. He idly examines his own body as you discuss, identifying just what’s changed in order to better heal him.

“You’re the only person on board with real combat experience, and I understand the engineering wing is packed full of hungry bugs. You working with everyone is our best shot to get in there and fix the engines.”

His expression is somewhere between annoyance and pity. He actually manages some incensed inflection to his voice.
>”Fix the engines. Fix the engines. You keep using that phrase and I become more and more convinced you do not know what you are talking about. There is nothing to fix. There was no- I don’t know what story the AI has fed you, but this is not a minor malfunction. If it were, we would not be in this situation. I would not be forced to cull those who will not survive on the planet’s surface in cruel mercy, in the hopes that the strongest of us will live. The primary engine is gone.
>”It is wreckage. A gaping hole. I believe we may have been hit with some sort of warhead.”

He pauses, staring up at you, past the barrel of the gun. If he has any fear you’ll pull the trigger, it doesn’t show in the slightest.
>”But you are clearly tougher than I assumed- and I apologize for my assumption. I am a killer, but I do not revel in the fact. It is a raw necessity of our situation. Time pressure. Lack of options. But- consider this. I’m engaged in what I am because the AI is... malfunctioning. Driven by logic that cannot be satisfied. Everyone cannot be saved.”
He states it as a simple, assured fact.
>”I’m unsure if it’s the design of its directives, or a result of the infestation in its core. If it we
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No. 1002063 ID: 96c896

What's the point of launching the escape pods early? If we can get a fuel source, the secondary engines will be good enough to keep the orbit stable, and we can repair the ship enough to attempt a landing with them if we stockpile enough fuel as well. We don't NEED the primary engine.
No. 1002287 ID: 673c1d

I don't trust him. He's already convinced of his course of action (leave ship no matter how many he has to kill), and he doesn't really need you - just your firearm. If he's lying and we ever get within arm's reach of him, we're toast.

If we're reluctant to kill him, we could just send him to go collect the Chief Medical Officer and Engineer and bring them to us - we need their help anyway, right? Tell him about the Engineer's current status, then send him to bring back the Engineer and a spare person (alive, of course). Hopefully that solves one of our problems, and even if he plans to betray you, he'll need to keep you alive until he gets back with the Engineer's stack.

Ask him to humor us in trying to fix things. Put all the killing on hold and collect the important people first. Maybe we can prepare some kind of killswitch for the AI (does our new captain have an override for the escape pods?) so that if we're down to, say, 30 minutes and it doesn't look like we can fix up any kind of thrusters, he can kill the AI and launch with whoever's left. He's going to need to collect those people anyway, why not focus on that next instead of randomly killing whoever he can find?

Or does he have a better idea? What's his new plan?
No. 1002292 ID: 96c896

The regular Engineer is fine. The Chief Engineer is the one with the stack we need to retrieve, and right now we don't know if it's possible to get it. The bubble belt doesn't have enough time left on it.

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1001648 No. 1001648 ID: f57349 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Madelrada sa Kimbery, That Which Wears Down The Mountains, is bored.

It's been years since she's seen any action remotely worthy of her title as one of the Eight Masterful Demon Generals. Even if she had a legitimate reason to go out and conquer something, the Contagion isn't really over yet. Unnecessary risk has never been her nature. So, she's going to stay home, but she's not going to stay idle. Time for some training exercises. How about an amphibious assault scenario? Lots of ways to keep that interesting by mixing in different unit types.
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No. 1001654 ID: f57349

This is an Exalted second edition game, basically a tournament-arc excuse plot for open playtesting on my attempt to finish what the Scroll of Errata started. Several old sticking points in the combat rules have already been reworked, and more changes are planned, but first the basic threat-assessment scale needs recalibration, especially with regard to grappling.

Houserules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VAUEYEqWYWcQ9gz4bk9uok8OkAIYl1cy50KEw2y75o/edit
No. 1001655 ID: afdebc

I'd be interested in playing with team teal. Not clear on if I'm just running one of the existing defenders as a character or if I should be volunteering another character.
No. 1001706 ID: f57349

Baidak are living humanoids with the mentality of automata, created by one of Madelrada's own component souls to fight like chess pieces. They're fearless and reasonably intelligent, but almost completely incapable of creativity or individual initiative beyond the scope of their explicit orders. In this context, they'll follow appropriate suggestions from anybody.

Mermaid-like demjen and their animated-ore minions will also listen to advice from the audience, but have more personality. Roleplaying a specific individual in more detail, or shouting advice at the group as a whole, are both acceptable approaches.

If you've got somebody else all ready to jump in, post a description and character sheet for final approval. I'd rather keep this thread focused on the visible scenery and events, but iterative character creation feedback can happen in the discussion thread ( https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/120347.html ), or the houserule doc has a link to a Discord server for deeper analysis of the mechanics.
No. 1001843 ID: 59f01e

rolled 6, 8, 9, 10, 5, 7, 9, 5, 7, 8, 10, 4, 8, 2, 8, 5, 5, 9, 1, 6, 7, 3, 1, 4, 8, 5, 3, 6, 2, 10, 4, 10, 4, 1, 5, 9, 6, 5, 7, 4, 1, 2, 8, 10, 4, 9, 8, 6, 3, 10, 3, 6, 2, 9, 2, 1, 1, 10, 10, 3 = 344

>Attackers win if Scathra yn Thera surrenders
>mind like an affectionate little puppy
>almost completely incapable of creativity or individual initiative
>Since this is just a training exercise, the Unquestionable has decreed that there shall be no deliberate killing

Demjen send a squad of Chalcothete under whatever the demon-realm equivalent of a white flag is in order to negotiate a truce and terms of surrender, as per the Unquestionable's orders. Clearly the most certain way to ensure her will is carried out and a single force wins without deliberate or accidental killing is for Scathra to willingly concede. Rolling for Red Team to gather/present appropriate bribes to the puppy-minded island. Not sure what the tummy-rubs and peanut butter equivalents are here, but I assume such knowledge could be found IC.
No. 1001907 ID: f57349

"Deliberate killing" in the sense of excessive force against soft targets, or continuing to attack someone already incapacitated or otherwise neutralized. "No accidental killing" was emphatically not part of the decree.

If red team all surrenders, they'll be removed from the field and teal team wins by default no more than three days later. The baidak aren't very interested in negotiating for anything else, and you'd probably have to get past them - either sailing or marching through lightning range out in the open, or searching for a sneaky route underground or above the cliff - to even attempt delivery of a bribe to the actual behemoth-manse.

>peanut butter equivalents
>rolled 6, 8, 9, 10, 5
Meat. Enough to be worth losing the exercise would probably be more than could fit in the cargo hold all at once, and this is a sparsely populated area on the outermost layer, so you don't know offhand where the nearest market which has that much for sale even is. If it's more than five or six hundred miles, Whirligig can't safely get there and back inside three days.

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993129 No. 993129 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

It came out of the oceans, like steam rising from a boiling pot. Then it swept over the shores, over the mountains, and down into the valleys. What was at one time a freak phenomenon quickly turned into a disaster as people, landmarks, and eventually small towns disappeared into the fog. So much was lost, even time became less and less reliable. No one's sure how long ago it was, that's been lost to the fog, but the survivors do their best to get by in the new fog world.

Among the survivors are an odd breed of rare human that have come into existence; Distinguished by an odd sort of affinity for the fog. Simply known as the Taken, these beings mingle amongst regular humans, some not even knowing they are Taken. Some people of the fog world believe these taken to be the next evolution of human, a new creature made to survive in a new world; Other's believe them to be servants of the fog, demons hell bent on destroying what's left. The Taken themselves suffer from odd dreams, strange visions, and are haunted by voices. it's hard to say what's true, the truth's been obscured by fog, either way the Taken too must struggle to survive…
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No. 1000856 ID: 8fb3ba
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Dell writes his name next to mine on the metro door. He looks way too happy to have just written a name on a door, the fatigue finally hits me completely. I grab my Arrayan plush and settle into my sleeping bag. I doze off to the sound of Dell playing his guitar.

I have no idea where the future will take me. I may not die, but there are things worse than death I'll strive to avoid. Everything here's been coming along nicely, and even though it's hardly anything impressive I'm beginning to feel like I can call this place home…

DELL: Good night Rita.
RITA: Night.

No. 1000857 ID: 96c896

Hmm... Subway Hill? New Metro Station?
No. 1000860 ID: a8c24b

I am all for this.

You could make some lame ass names for shits and gigles. I dunno, "Pineapple express" sounds horrible, give it a go!
No. 1000863 ID: 031458

Casa Delrita?

No. 1000938 ID: 094652

The Conjunction

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997035 No. 997035 ID: 00b0d9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

CONTENT WARNING: This quest will contain explicit sexual and potentially violent content, and may run into situations of questionable consent.
Please minimise this thread if you feel this may be distressing or objectionable.
To minimise a thread, please click the leftmost button that looks like a _ in the subject title.
Spoiler text will be used in situations where the text is too explicit for display on the main /quest/ page.
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No. 1000703 ID: 9675f4

Do not be afraid, this creature is only hurting us in order to enter our world, let's ask it if there is a way to facilitate the process without causing us a complete mental breakdown.

We can also tell our roomate about this demon inside our head. He does not like us, but he doesn't want to see us suffer either. We have friends to weather the storm.
No. 1000704 ID: e7848c

Hey, if he comes to the physical plane, that gives you a chance to physically hurt him. Just imagine cutting this bastard with an edge of a circuit board or something.
No. 1000739 ID: fb672b

Is this room soundproofed? If not, YELL at Seecha that you're under mental attack. Once this cat is out of the bag, it can't go back in.
No. 1000794 ID: c09f5e

So let's assume this demon is telling the truth: You're not in a simulation. It can speak into your head, but isn't creating for the mental images your getting. You just react too strong and undisciplined to raw stimuli.

You're a psychic, untrained and sensitive. You're the one creating the images in your head, most likely inspired by your captivity and breeding urges. But this means you are capable.

You're already building a form into it. Next, try imagining this big holy stick or water gun you can wield when it feels too close. After that, see how much you are able to control its "movements".
Remember: you are not the only one who would get hurt if this thing gets out.

Oh, so this is where it's going: make Kei literally unable to masturbate to anyone else, much less have sex, but able to keep his demon in check.
No. 1000801 ID: 26235b

So this is why you're tainted? This also implies that, in the past, you used to not be tainted. Can you imagine any special event that happened that could've caused this apparition to enter your mind? Something around the time your Landlord stopped talking to you?

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995227 No. 995227 ID: 12b116 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Foreboding clouds hang heavily overhead, and yet the air is still.

The ship has been becalmed for almost five days now, the black sky obscuring the stars and threatening a storm that has yet to come.

The crew is growing restless, which isn't good even on a disciplined military vessel, but this is not that. This is a pirate ship.

Who are you?

A. Cabin Boy. A lad that the captain took a fancy to, looking for adventure.

B. Cabin Boy (Female). You're pretending to be a lad to escape an oppressive home life. The captain took a fancy to you.

C. Captive (Male). Youngest son of a wealthy family, you were kidnapped by the crew. The captain intends to ransom you back to your father, a Naval officer.

D. Captive (Female). Oldest daughter of a wealthy family, you were kidnapped by the crew for ransom back to your father, a powerful merchant.

E. Stowaway (Male). You snuck aboard the ship to avoid the life of a homeless petty thief. You've probably kept your presence a secret.

F. Stowaway (Female). You snuck aboard the ship to avoid the life of a homeless beggar. You've probably kept your presence mostly secret.

G. Crewmate (Male). You signed on for a life of freedom aboard a pirate ship! Before that, you were a bank clerk.

H. Crewmate (Female). You signed on for a life of freedom aboard a pirate ship! Before that, you were a seamstress's apprentice.
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No. 1000453 ID: 12b116
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"I took a little hardtack and some water," you say. Ward looks at you keenly, but you press on.

You decide you're woefully lacking in information.

"The prisoner is unchained but not conscious. Some kind of light was coming out of her. I think she was conjuring something, or doing some kind of magic. I don't know if she was tyring to help us, or summoned the thing that tore a hole in the top deck. What do you know about her?"

Ward snorts, the light glinting off his good eye as he leans forward, squinting, as if taking your measure.

"Can't tell you much about that prisoner. That's the Captain's thing. Valuable."

Well, that was singularly unhelpful.

You consider his singular focus on 'protecting the supplies.' He doesn't even know if there's anyone onboard to protect them from.

"How much time has passed since the storm? It seems like it's safe out if you want to help me look for survivors or pump water out of the hold."

He frowns. "Probably been about eight hours," he says, "But I'll leave the lookin' and pumpin' to you. Got to make sure we have stores. No telling how long we're gonna be stuck here." He snorts.

"Come back and tell me what you find." He nods meaningfully toward the door, so you go back into the storage area.
No. 1000454 ID: 12b116
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You reflect on your mental map of the ship, estimating where you think the waterline currently is, and what you think should be where, although there's a lot you don't know.

You wonder where you should head next and how you should get there.
No. 1000457 ID: 0fae41

Head to the orlop deck by way of the gun deck.
No. 1000460 ID: 26235b

>Come back and tell me what you find.
Gonna need an especially sturdy plank for him.

Go to the helm first to see if anyone's steering the ship. If there's no one, then you'll need to steer it somewhere.
No. 1000707 ID: 96c896

We're on the orlop deck already, in the Cook room. Head to the ? room that's directly next door. If nobody's there, go up to the gun deck, then to Booksy. Right now we're looking for people to man the pump.

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1000571 No. 1000571 ID: 8d230f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Me when no cheese
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No. 1000596 ID: df76b1

Gotta start small. FInd a (female) animal and milk it.
No. 1000600 ID: 031458

No. 1000608 ID: afe7de

Consume nose cheese
No. 1000610 ID: 9675f4

Look for milk and harden it in the freezer instead.
No. 1000697 ID: 96c896

Money can be exchanged for goods and services.

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1000051 No. 1000051 ID: 9c1ef3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You've always liked it dark.

Everyone is born with an elemental affinity. In some it is weak, in others it is strong. One's affinity leads to their ease or difficulty with magic and some other pursuits - those with an affinity for, say, Steel, or maybe Fire, or Earth, might just as easily work a forge as they might a spellbook. There are some who theorize that everyone has multiple affinities that lead one to ever-more-specific paths in life, that perhaps someone might have an affinity for water, but also for dance, and perhaps even for swords, leading them to becoming a master fencer.

But you...

You have always, always preferred the dark. You like to keep your little room afforded to you in the Academy dorm dark. You have always like to wear the full robes of the apprentice that hide your face and shade it almost supernaturally.
No. 1000052 ID: 9c1ef3
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...which is why you hate mornings. Really, daytime at all is sort of a miasma to you, but it's the midmorning you hate the most. You daren't skip classes - You aren't so concieted to think you know better than your teachers simply due to an almost crippling affinity for Dark. Even so, even just getting out of bed is a struggle, and you often only manage two or three of the things you set out to do in the morning nine times out of ten...

>Get your robe and book-bags together and ready for the day.
>Find the right books for today's courseload.
>Find something to eat.
>Wash your face (And probably the rest of you, while you're in there).
>Get your equipment together for today's classes.
>Get your coinpurse.
No. 1000053 ID: f8fa51

Wash your face, get your equipment, and your robes and books together.
No. 1000057 ID: e7c7d3

Wash yourself up
Get some food
Find the right books
No. 1000059 ID: 2aa5f0

>Find something to eat.
>Wash your face (And probably the rest of you, while you're in there).
>Get your equipment together for today's classes.
No. 1000339 ID: 9c48ac

Food and hygiene are the most important. After that, I'm guessing it's your robes so you'll be able to focus - although if you can throw on a robe anyway and the action is about making it presentable, forget that and get your equipment. (Books can always be shared, equipment I'm guessing not.)

Better question, since this is a recurring problem, why haven't you started preparing what you can ahead of time? This would be much easier if you had your robes and the books and equipment you need already gathered.

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995903 No. 995903 ID: ef15e2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Who says I can’t bring this back? No one that’s who!
Original thread here: https://questden.org/kusaba/graveyard/res/981341.html
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No. 998301 ID: 9a2966

Yeah, get the deets, then ready yourself to be smuggled into the heart of the lair so you can shoot their god in the face with this shotgun (which is loaded, right?).
No. 998302 ID: 36784c

Ok, so what's the plan these guys have? We going to sneak in with one of the enemy's artifact deliveries?
No. 998709 ID: ef15e2
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The skeleton demon hands you a map and points out where the trucks are likely to appear in around an hour. He says that there are also no shortage of tents and watchtowers where cultists are probably located and ready to fire on any intruders, so going in guns blazing is ill-advised. He says their ruined compound is in the far right corner of the map
No. 998801 ID: 19da02

I guess step one is to go to trucks area and lie in wait for trucks so you can ambush a truck and acquire truck. Unless you can just like, hop on as it drives past and then sneak in the back I guess?
No. 999445 ID: ef15e2
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You lie in wait in some bushes for a truck to pull up, and after about an hour, sure enough, the first one arrives escorted by cultists

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953982 No. 953982 ID: 5fc3a0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous Threads/Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Fen_Quest
Inventory and Other Info: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Fen_Quest_Statistics
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/Lagotrope

>"It's time to go, Valsano." I don't know that person, but he must be one of Valsano's current team that's going back down into the mausoleum.
>"Yeah yeah, I just wanted to see how my main squad is doing, living it up."
>"Oh, yeah, it's great!" says Firzel. "I'll tell all my grandkids about the good old days, in which every single day was spent having Zall beat the shit out of us."

We all listen to Valsano, who will make a typical quip back to Firzel.

It doesn't come. He loses his expression and marches off.
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No. 985255 ID: a9af05

>send a letter to Lily
>construct Lily
>Lady Cassa's miraculous recovery
None of these are important to our current objective and checking up on any of them would take longer than 15 minutes.

We can worry about those things later. Right now, let's focus on our current mission.
No. 985256 ID: 9aaeef

Tell Aira “You really had me worried for a second” while you touch her shoulder.
No. 985341 ID: c09f5e

My mistake. I should learn to read better.

I will say that it was an ineffective way to scare/demoralize Fen, on the battlefield. I was thinking her creator isn't a proper necromancer. She might practice it, but she's better specced in mana constructs.

You're most likely right, as much as it looks like a subtle "please stay away from my fiance". As much as I'd like for this quest to end in a guilt-free punch to his face, this isn't enough to pin a conspiracy on someone as high up as "benevolent tyrant" Stup, if it even IS him. But I am talking too far off-mission.

Agreed. Just prepare for anything. Or anyone.
No. 985827 ID: 15a025

Do final check to make sure you have everything you need. Then get ready kill some undead.
No. 999140 ID: 82b004

Although we are very capable of stealthing ourselves, it might be better to rely on Aira for sticking to shadows now, now that she got so close to death where you can't even detect her.

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891215 No. 891215 ID: bfb318 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wiki and previous threads: http://tgchan.org/wiki/AsteroidQuest
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Lagotrope

>"Arza, Penn."

Vanski says our names less to get our attention, and more to buy time to construct what he's going to say to us.

>"You won't be talking to the CAI directly. ASE - that's the Alliance of the Silhouette Empire - are hooking the CAI up to a data output terminal, which you will be reading off of."
>"No talking to the CAI directly? Really?" asks Arza.
>"Take it up with ASE if you have a problem with that. There is a dedicated CAI study lab. There will always be a guard there to walk you through through the entry and exit procedures. You'll both be in guest room number 5."

He walks around the desk to us.

>"And remember that no matter who gets access to protect or study the CAI, the CAI remains mine."

This insectoid alien, who's gotten insensibly close to us, waves us off with his clasper.
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No. 998661 ID: 71ebb4

Gotta be careful, now. Remember that neumono can't hide their feelings very well, and around here in particular they can be made to talk. Nothing to do for now but go along with Quokko, now you've come this far, but keep it in mind. Do your goggles come with a wire to link to his tablet, there? Ask him if you can borrow it for a moment, and see if you can turn off the wireless connection on it first, if it has one.

I wonder if you should start disguising your voice when you talk to people in places you shouldn't be. How well can you do that? Try sound like... I don't know, some suave confident secret agent lady. People probably wouldn't associate that kind of attitude either with your cold non-contacts persona or the way you usually act with your contacts in. Try remember to ask about seeing the files/recordings/tests/etc you made earlier, because later on if anyone finds out about this trip that's still going to be your excuse for having been sneaking around. Don't do anything (obvious) that will outright contradict that story. Maybe even use his tablet to check your location? Create some backup for that story later on. You were an obsessive scientist who decided to protect their work in an emergency and hacked a map out of the system somehow so you could go sneak around the security to go check on it, that's probably pretty believable around here. Not likely to get the best response but better than the real one, you need some sort of cover story as a plan B if you get found out.
No. 998662 ID: bb78f2

Oh no, a tired, tortured nerd in flamboyant orange, exactly my type. Watch out he's dangerous. Dangerously hot.

Honestly, I'd just toss him the goggles without saying anything and let Quakko do the talking. He'll get the picture quick enough. Only clarify anything if he asks and use as few words as possible.
No. 998664 ID: 74d499

"So I hear you are the one to talk to about lesbianism gas?"
No. 998688 ID: 15a025

Telegram for Cinnin!
No. 998722 ID: 53560f

“Hey, Are you part of the science hive? I’m told you guys might know where Arza is. I’d also like you to check over these goggles, I think they have some kind of weird glitch.”
Toss the goggles to him and wait patiently.

Since people are currently looking for Arza, it might be a good idea to tell someone he was last near here. His guilt isn’t proven so it’s likely they’d try to rescue him if he’s alive. Just gotta figure out how to tell someone without coming off as suspicious.

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995636 No. 995636 ID: 4f5d63 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Two friends embark on a journey. Their goal is to reach the summit of local towering giant Mount Amble. Shouldn’t be too difficult for a couple of experienced hikers, right?
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No. 997881 ID: eedbeb

fish: feast on shutter's flesh
No. 997882 ID: e7c7d3

Use your flashlight to fend off fish
No. 997961 ID: 19da02

try to get to shore as quickly as possible. Just ignore the fish for now.
No. 997970 ID: b1b4f3

Use your walking stick to push away from the riverbed!
No. 998689 ID: 15a025

Forget the fish, focus on getting to the shore.

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986217 No. 986217 ID: e51896 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]


Author's Commentary: Potentially NSFW, it all depends on what happens.






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No. 997770 ID: e51896
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>Yeah that recorder is a good ideas to never actually forget where you came from and to never forget what you left behind. Say something about your family or your life before you came here, it is also a good way to check if they messed with your memory in some way.

:ec_lilly_ch1: :"Entry 4, I need to check if my memories are still good in this dream. Let's see... I graduated high school a year ago currently searching for a university to take me in as a student. I mainly live with my family at a small town at home with my father, and grandmother. Though there are some weeks when I visit my mother in the city. My father has always been strict with raising me, but he's fair too. He just wants me to be the best me I can be, and I love him for that. Though it is admittedly fun to feel a sense of freedom when I rebel against him from time to time. He even supports my decisions and goals, like letting me take some self defense classes when I asked him to."
"My grandmother on the other hand spoils me with gifts, and loves to pull pranks and tease. I like to think her shenanigans inspires my sense of humor."
"Then there's my mother... she has not been in a good place in her life, but she still supports me to the best of her abilities..."
"I also have a boyfriend, We've been together since Middle School and helped me with my insomnia back then. I feel nothing can tear us apart..."
"I'm making new friends here, Arthurius, and Magnolia!"

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No. 997772 ID: e51896
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:ec_arthurius: :Oh! that must be Kyle's secretary, Savina. We were going to discuss possible plans of actions with her so she can help get us prepared.

Savina seems to be wearing the typical secretary outfit you would normally expect to see. White collared shirt, long skirt, all that jazz. Though, the one main thing that stands out to me is that her antennae are in the way of her eyes... is that why she doesn't realize she is holding the sign upside-down?

We exit the vehicle and upon closing the doors, the secretary speaks up.

:ec_savina: Midnight Cappers I presume?

Savina's tone of voice sounds like she is bored, yet also professional sounding.

:ec_arthurius: :Midnight Captors, and yes. I am Arthurius, and I am here with my partners Magnolia, and Lilly.

:ec_savina: Understood.

:ec_lilly_ch1: :"We won't let you down, Savina!"
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No. 997877 ID: e7c7d3

No questions, I think we're good to go
No. 998160 ID: 47be15

Yeah, I agree with your sentiment, we are ready as we will ever be.
No. 998212 ID: 8483cf

Well, yeah. Has the situation changed at all since we were briefed?

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980122 No. 980122 ID: 96e04f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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No. 983782 ID: 6b1bc1

wink at her
No. 983798 ID: 894419

Ask her what department of CompuGlobal Hyper-MegaNet she works for, complain about traffic, play it as cool as possible
No. 984695 ID: 874370

Ask what floor she's going to.
No. 984705 ID: 66e77d

Zip it.
No. 997282 ID: 6a2a09

Try to claim that you were simply practicing magic tricks? You might score cool points with her if you play your cards right

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994059 No. 994059 ID: 780796 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Your name is Tracy, and today is officially the WORST 18TH BIRTHDAY EVER! You were driving down the interstate on your way to spring break and getting drunk with all your girl friends on the beach when your car broke down in the desert. AND your phone battery died. And it's getting hotter in here.

>What now?
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No. 995998 ID: 6b7c95

I would say it is probably dead.

The author deleted all of their posts, probably because the quest seemed like it was about to get kind of rape-y and they probably were not comfortable with it.
No. 996678 ID: da9af3

Author here. Sorry I should have come back and made a proper post about this but the reason I didn't get around to it is the same reason I abandoned the quest. I got so sick I almost died, and that led me to rethink some of my choices in what I write and what I spend my time doing, especially since spending so much time online is what made me sick. Nothing rapey was going to happen in this, I'm just not going to continue it. Sorry guys. I deleted my posts as a spur of the moment thing. I might come back someday and write something better.
No. 996690 ID: e51896

I'm wishing you the best. please take all the time you need for your health.
No. 996691 ID: fd1757

Oh, I thought it was an April Fool's prank!
No. 997081 ID: c9737e

Thanks very much! I will, and I've improved enormously so far. I'm not in any financial difficulties or any more danger and my family and friends have been very supportive, so don't worry about me!

I don't remember when I deleted them but it's very ironic if it was April first. Either way I'm going to stop posting here now so I don't keep bumping a dead quest.

Thanks for playing guys!

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991564 No. 991564 ID: b07591 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is a story of what lies in the dark of the Silver River. The universe is harsh, and no matter what may occur, time will march on free of care.
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No. 994205 ID: b1b4f3

Yeah let's not open that door. Can you see any flickering in the blackness?

Check out the door on the right.
No. 996110 ID: 636170
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Someone died there.

I could see only tiny flecks of light, far far away. They were static.


I try not to think about it. My time might be limited. I don't want the fate of whoever was in that room.

>Check out the door on the right.

I pull myself over to the right side door and press my snout to the glass.

The new sight doesn't really help put me at ease. The door on the other side of this one is open too, but not just to plain blackness. A sort of bridge protrudes from it, seemingly clamped around the outer door. It twists off into the darkness, deformed and broken. Like it had been ripped away.

Left of the outer door is cabinet, similar to the other one, though this one is open. A sort of suit is hung within it, with pieces for every part of one's body, head, tail, arms. A long tube dangles free from the helmet piece.
No. 996111 ID: 636170

Sorry about that update time guys, life served me up a nice dish of fuck you. Art quality may be down for a little bit, but I'll be fully back in the game soon.
No. 996115 ID: f61df6

Do reccomed not opening any doors open to the blackness.

You 'might' be able to open the door long enough to try and snag that suit using the tube... If the suit isn't damaged. And you'd vent this room... No not a good idea at all. 8d continue looking around.
No. 996123 ID: b1b4f3

Damn, I wish we could get to that suit.
Take a look through the last door on this floor.

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994198 No. 994198 ID: 2b9ea3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This quest will be run almost entirely on my phone during my lunch breaks at work. Expect hasty writing and low-effort artwork.

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No. 995049 ID: 8a51ec

Not just any jewels, but FAMILY JEWELS! The most abundant yet most personally valuable kind of jewels... And only the most evil kind of thief would specifically steal things for their personal value. Take her book away.
No. 995051 ID: 830459

Tear out a page from the book.
No. 995052 ID: b1b4f3

Borrow the book to learn FACTS.
No. 995053 ID: 543e50

I propose a trade: a book for a hat.
No. 995580 ID: 15a025

Use magnified glass on inside of book.

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988423 No. 988423 ID: 3b69d8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Will be NSFW!
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No. 995113 ID: 9a5438
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Luce doesn’t seem inclined to talk about anything other than the research itself. Maybe a different topic needs introducing?

Just then, Adrian notices a folding table to the left of Luce’s desk. It seems to be a temporary workstation of sorts. On the table is a clipboard and what looks like some electrical engineering equipment. To the left of the table on the ground is a large spherical object mounted on stilts. It looks like one of the drones.

[Which object should Adrian investigate?]
No. 995116 ID: 8a51ec

Doubtful those drones have much in terms of security measures, even with the capability to pierce 10 meters of solid rock. Maybe you could take a closer look at that one?
No. 995291 ID: e7c7d3

Clipboards should hold some fun info
No. 995316 ID: 31388b

Check out that fox booty. More seriously, maybe find another subject to keep him preoccupied, such as himself; how he became head of research (since it's something he should be proud of), his education, and maybe his hobbies.
When checking out the items, you'll need to be quick and avoid touching anything. The clipboard will probably have the most comprehensible information, so check that out.
No. 995579 ID: 15a025

See if you can't sneak a quick peek at that clipboard. It can't be anything too important though if they've got lying out in the open, can it?

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